Mule deer Wyoming Options?


Oct 15, 2018
My friend and I have 23 combined PP for mule deer. Both of us are senior citizens semi experienced western hunters in decent shape. Where to apply in Wyoming for an opportunity on a representative animal ?.


Jun 18, 2020
Southwest Va
Nobody is going to tell you their favorite places (hunt area). In fact, it is prohibited on the open forum.

I suggest you look at the draw odds from 2023 and see what areas you have a good chance of drawing.

As far as a "representative animal" goes, it varies from area to area. Go the the Wy F&G website, Hunting in Wy, Hunt Planner, Select a species (deer), Select a Hunt area, Click Non-resident, enter an area or region (see the map), click View Detailed Info. Under Hunting Information select Area Deer Age Report. The page that comes up will tell you what age class deer were taken the last year they have data for. To see what class 1,2,3 deer look like click on "What goes into an age class."

Repeat for the areas you might want to apply for. Applying as a party with 12 1/2 PPs, you should have some good options.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jan 20, 2013
Eastern Utah
11 1/2 points sounds like a lot saying it out loud that is until you look at the odds sheet.

First question do you plan to do it yourselves? Outfitters have the means to get older guys around any unit. Horses along with access to private land equals physically easier to hunt places. Trade off is cost.

What kinda of shape are you in? - if not going with an outfitter, this is where I'd focus, look for a license in the kind of country you want to hunt. Account for the equipment you have to access country and be honest about the physical limitations you both face.

Honestly I won't point share, I would go two separate times, obviously it would be in different units but doubling the experience of hunting wyoming.
Feb 17, 2013
The negative replies here sure get old. He didn’t ask for a favorite spot. He asked for a little advice on a unit that takes around 11 points. That can’t be anyone’s favorite spots since they can only hunt it every 10 to 15 years!

People can reply via PM too so no classified information leaks out to foreign countries.

What are forums for? To tell people they’re not allowed to ask questions?


Mar 29, 2017
The negative replies here sure get old. He didn’t ask for a favorite spot. He asked for a little advice on a unit that takes around 11 points. That can’t be anyone’s favorite spots since they can only hunt it every 10 to 15 years!

People can reply via PM too so no classified information leaks out to foreign countries.

What are forums for? To tell people they’re not allowed to ask questions?
Everything he asked can be found on the WG&F site... the same place the rest of us have to look when planning our hunts.


Feb 24, 2012
Bend Oregon
Respectfully, he specifically asked for units to apply with 23 combined points.

Normally that info is gleaned in about 3 minutes total when looking at the odds reports.
2024 will not be a normal year; likely reduced odds in the regular, possibly better odds in the special, and both are a crap shoot especially since we won’t have quotas till mid March which may see increases and decreases.
My suggestion is to figure out how much you’re willing to spend on a tag then wait till March. You’re gonna have to guess what the odds will do regardless which draw you apply in.


Jun 18, 2020
Southwest Va
Negative reply? What you call negative was just pointing to the forum rules, not rules that I made but rules that I follow in order to participate.

I spent a fair bit of time giving good advice on using the Wy F&G site to find what he needs. Others provided good advice also.
Feb 17, 2018
My friend and I have 23 combined PP for mule deer. Both of us are senior citizens semi experienced western hunters in decent shape. Where to apply in Wyoming for an opportunity on a representative animal ?.
Fyi, parts of Wyoming took a big winterkill hit on deer and antelope last winter. If I were you with that many points I'd wait a year or so and see how things shake out. This past Fall I burned 10 NR deer points in a historically decent unit and it was slim pickings. I did fill my tag the second week of the season (solo DIY) but I had to work super hard and scour the mountains high and low.


Jun 18, 2020
Southwest Va
Fyi, parts of Wyoming took a big winterkill hit on deer and antelope last winter. If I were you with that many points I'd wait a year or so and see how things shake out.
I understand the concern, but there is another approach that may be more beneficial, especially considering that in any given year the same big winterkill can happen.

The application deadline is May 31 and there is no advantage gained by applying early. The proposed quotas are approved and available in early April. There is plenty of time to make a comparison of the quota for 2024 with the prior years quota to determine if Wy F&G thinks an area was hit hard recently. Armed with that info you can make an informed decision, which may or may not point to waiting.


Feb 10, 2021
My friend and I have 23 combined PP for mule deer. Both of us are senior citizens semi experienced western hunters in decent shape. Where to apply in Wyoming for an opportunity on a representative animal ?.
Gohunt has good info, type in your state, species and it will give you the draw odds, also has the average trophy quality by unit


Mar 4, 2012
There's a ton of unsubscribed LQ deer hunting areas in the State of Wyoming because they never got mentioned on a hunting forum (sarcasm).


Oct 20, 2023
The negative replies here sure get old. He didn’t ask for a favorite spot. He asked for a little advice on a unit that takes around 11 points. That can’t be anyone’s favorite spots since they can only hunt it every 10 to 15 years!

People can reply via PM too so no classified information leaks out to foreign countries.

What are forums for? To tell people they’re not allowed to ask questions?
How hard is it to look at draw odds from the preference point draw?

Determine what units you can draw from the draw odds, research about those specific areas and determine which one suits your desires.
Feb 17, 2013
How hard is it to look at draw odds from the preference point draw?

Determine what units you can draw from the draw odds, research about those specific areas and determine which one suits your desires.
You’re looking at things from your perspective. I’ll stop and imagine for a second someone who doesn’t even know what odds or points are. There are so many newbies in western hunting that don’t know a single thing. Look at them as student drivers. I could reply by saying, is it so hard to give them a quick answer? Or point them in the right direction? I mean, what are talk forums for?


Oct 20, 2023
You’re looking at things from your perspective. I’ll stop and imagine for a second someone who doesn’t even know what odds or points are. There are so many newbies in western hunting that don’t know a single thing.
In that case I would suggest that during the years of building points (23 combined in this case) people pay attention to harvest data, biological reports, and historical draw odds for the areas they're interested in. Then they know where they want to put in.

Furthermore the type of hunt an individual seeks may be more important than historical "trophy" data from a specific area.
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Feb 17, 2013
In that case I would suggest that during the years of building points (23 combined in this case) people pay attention to harvest data, biological reports, and historical draw odds for the areas they're interested in. Then they know where they want to put in.

Furthermore the type of hunt an individual seeks may be more important than historical "trophy" data from a specific area.
They aren’t really interested in specific units if they are simply applying for a general license. I think it would be more realistic to assume that until they have enough points to draw they don’t really need to know that. You and I are different. If it were me, I would absolutely drive out and get boots on the ground. Nothing on the Internet or any historical data can possibly replace that. Until they do that the talk forums will continue.


Oct 20, 2023
They aren’t really interested in specific units if they are simply applying for a general license. I think it would be more realistic to assume that until they have enough points to draw they don’t really need to know that. You and I are different. If it were me, I would absolutely drive out and get boots on the ground. Nothing on the Internet or any historical data can possibly replace that. Until they do that the talk forums will continue.
You can do that too.

I guess anything would be better than just blindly accruing points only to wonder where you should apply when you have 'x' amount of points.

And of course you and I are different, that's ok.
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May 7, 2023
You can do that too.

I guess anything would be better than just blindly accruing points only to wonder where you should apply when you have 'x' amount of points.

And of course you and I are different, that's ok.
I'm not taking up for this approach, I've never asked for unit advice on a forum. I may have ten points in a couple states without a plan for a hunt yet. I've been hunting five different states in that same time period, a few more then once. Time kinda gets away from you with work and family. I just keep buying points knowing that I'll eventually hunt there. Some guys, myself included, don't live in the Rockies and can only do one or two trips a year max with other obligations. That and I've hunted a couple units with success and wanted to go back rather then start over. I had a couple units in New Mexico I could hunt pretty regular until the draw odds went to crap after covid.

By the time I draw any limited hunts in Utah there's no telling how many points I'll have 😂