Mule Deer coming back to or frequenting a “rub line”

Jul 29, 2024
Spokane, WA
Hey guys, just seeing if anyone else has noticed mule deer bucks frequenting a specific rub line? I know whitetails have been known to come back to scrapes and rubs. I know rub lines tend to be in a buck’s core area, I’m more just curious if anyone else has noticed bucks specifically coming back to that rub line and rubbing again or “checking them” as whitetails do.
My experience with muleys is they are nothing like whitetail. They rub their velvet in sept then for the rut they follow the does. Seen bucks hang out in common areas but dont see them rutting like whitetail do running rub lines and scrapes.

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I’ve heard muelies don’t pattern scrapes or rubs. They use them yes, but aren’t patterned around their use typically. Meaning, not often or at all, will a buck rerun to a rub or scrape.

More often mule deer pre and post rut are looking for bedding or food/water at higher elevations. They tend to move to find different sources vs sticking to the same areas before winter moves them down. Then into does for rut.
My dad shot a high country giant buck after the week before finding a huge rubline in some aspens. We went back the next weekend and that buck was in those aspens with does and rubbing on those trees. I think if you find a lot of rubs in a area its an area he travels through frequently
Rutting behavior. If the does are in the area he won't go far. The rubs just tell you he was there once. I had a buck on camera this fall that made a rub line and he never came back, he got ran off buy a much bigger buck who never rubbed once.