MT archery opening week - dark timber or open terrain?


Apr 3, 2014
Helena, MT
So, I'm curious to hear some experiences from those who hunt dark timber in early September. I've hunted an area with lots of dark timber the past couple years and have had good luck finding elk from just chasing bugles, but that was always the last week of September. Because of my schedule this year, I can only go September 3-10th and not sure if I'd be better off hunting some more open terrain and spot and stalk. I've learned this area really well, know where some nice wallows are and which drainages tend to hold elk, so I'd like to keep hunting it, but if they're not talking, it could be a long week trying to bump into something. Anyone want to lend any advice on what you'd do in this situation?
My advice is to hunt the area you know best that allows you to use the tactics that you are best at. If you know how to call in quiet elk and are confident with that then go for it. If you are better spot and stalk, do that. I have experienced some incredible opening days in terms of bugling bulls and successful calling, but a sea of dark timber and silent elk can make for a difficult hunt. My personal choice would be open country where I can find elk to either stalk or move in close and call to.
Like the old timers says, "elk are where you find them". I hunt a lot of dark timber, last year I called three bulls in opening weekend. Hunt where your comfortable but be well aware that the area may primarily be a rut area that the elk may not move into until mid to late September. Have back ups and enjoy your hunt!
That early I have best luck using my bugle for location then move in and cow call they don't ever seem to wanna fight me that early in the year

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Thanks for the responses guys, some good tips there. Think I'm gonna stick with the dark timber and stay flexible. September can't get here fast enough!