MSR Trailshot..... interesting....

I tried it and it was ok was the befree . I clogged the trail shot often in the Gila . Too often for my liking

Personally I take basically 4 types of filters .

MSR guardian - Rivers , desert , cattle tanks
Platy - gravity and group relatively clean mountain water
Sawyer regular -- lighter , decent water , I've clogged the mini too often and had friends clog theirs .Use the standard sawyer
Iodine - most mountain water

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I ordered a Trailshot and it should be arriving this week. I'll hopefully get a chance to take it out this weekend and I'll update with my initial findings
I tried one out on a blacktail hunt and it was very slow and ended up worthless after it plugged up.
Have a backup plan and don’t rely on it as your main filter.
I use a trail shot and like it for size and weight, mine plugged last season But was about 5 years old so I ended up boiling water.