2 acl reconstruction, both knees, 1 miniscus 1 ankle surgery. Consistent training all year round with a healthy diet will be your duty to obtain your mountain freedom. You slack on your legs you wont be rewarded doing the things you love. Keeping my legs strong allowed me to big mountain ski, climb mountains, hunt alpine etc with a fully torn acl for over a decade. Life didn’t allow a surgery on one knee for some time but proper training bought time. If you have a torn ligament id consider the liability to yourself and others if a hunting partner and find the best surgeon you can insurance wise and get it fixed sooner than later in your life. Trust me you will heal better younger. If you roll the dice and wait you do risk additional injury to knee further complicating surgery and heal time. If you do have surgery find and go to a real sports clinic that specializes in athletes that want to be a athlete again. I am fortunate and have one near that deals with professional athletes that was within my insurance It is a night and day difference in what you get out of your crucial time healing and strengthening immediately after surgery. Like days after. I have 100% mobility and range of movement from the time put in. Your situation seems odd to me with how you explained your pop. The pop generally happens as the ligiment tears and swells immediately after not allowing range of movement. You would know if this happened that sound feeling you wouldn’t miss it happening nor forget it. Definitely a path that is rewarded with your efforts put in. A life long commitment to obtain strength to function and participate up there…. Those that know know….Good luck.