Most versatile older frame


Feb 28, 2016
Eastern Washington
I'm looking at picking up a used frame first and slowly add the rest to it when deals come along. Among the US made pack frames, what would you consider the most versatile for adding bags and accessories from different manufacturers if needed? Seems all of them are comfortable under a load so that requirement shouldn't be an issue.

So I guess what I'm asking is what's the best bang for the buck on previous gen frames? Thanks!
As far as accessories and bag options, no one makes more than Kifaru.

Mystery Ranch is also a good option, and since they recently came out with a new frame design the older NICE frames can be had for a pretty good deal.
I have a Gen 2 Duplex, its phenomenal, I've seen them in the mid to low 200s on the classifieds, bikini deals are out there too if you don't plan on going super heavy. If you are going used, go bomb proof!
newer gen MOLLE II will do most everything the others will do comfortably and for 10-20% of the cost

I'm curious if you've actually tried the others....this does not match my experience at all. For one the frame is a bit on the short side and for two I can't wear the MOLLE belt for more then a mile without massive bruising. Something like the Wilderness Pack Specialties suspension for a MOLLE frame is probably great, but you can forget about putting any other companies bag on there without just strapping it down like a dry bag.
I probably should have started this thread a little earlier because I ended up buying an Exo Gen 2 frame on here last night.....BUT, still open to suggestions in case the fit isn't right for me.
I'm curious if you've actually tried the others....this does not match my experience at all. For one the frame is a bit on the short side and for two I can't wear the MOLLE belt for more then a mile without massive bruising. Something like the Wilderness Pack Specialties suspension for a MOLLE frame is probably great, but you can forget about putting any other companies bag on there without just strapping it down like a dry bag.

I'd suppose that's true, in today's world a "one size fits all" solution is a unicorn but then, military personel come in varied and assorted builds, heights and variations so I'd "think" with a little experimentation the MOLLE 2 would be at least a little bit more versatile than you're suggesting - I have purchased 7 off ebay to date, all exactly the same, I don't backpack anymore but for PACKING MEAT and SUCH, they work for us as well as anything any of my group has ever tried for packing elk quarters and parts out of Hell Holes - Not trying to compete, I only posted because a lot of "us" can't or won't pay near $500+ for a pack if we can find a viable alternative - I believe MOLLE 2's are rated to 120 lbs (stated somewhere) - I DO realize that a lot of our forces, OPS especially, do buy Kifaru, etc ... but certainly not nearly everyone does - I don't think most "grunts" who often accompany operators on short missions utilize anything but issue stuff and they pack as much or sometimes more weight or "maybe" I'm full of chit ......
I've seen some smoking deals on the MR NICE frame lately. Certainly as versatile as any other out there. Just make sure you get the load lifter extensions with the frame.
I'd suppose that's true, in today's world a "one size fits all" solution is a unicorn but then, military personel come in varied and assorted builds, heights and variations so I'd "think" with a little experimentation the MOLLE 2 would be at least a little bit more versatile than you're suggesting - I have purchased 7 off ebay to date, all exactly the same, I don't backpack anymore but for PACKING MEAT and SUCH, they work for us as well as anything any of my group has ever tried for packing elk quarters and parts out of Hell Holes - Not trying to compete, I only posted because a lot of "us" can't or won't pay near $500+ for a pack if we can find a viable alternative - I believe MOLLE 2's are rated to 120 lbs (stated somewhere) - I DO realize that a lot of our forces, OPS especially, do buy Kifaru, etc ... but certainly not nearly everyone does - I don't think most "grunts" who often accompany operators on short missions utilize anything but issue stuff and they pack as much or sometimes more weight or "maybe" I'm full of chit ......

The military has a long and glorious history of making up for massively under-preforming gear with willpower and sheer brute strength, most of those guys don't even use the waist belt on issue packs. Typically what the military is using is a good benchmark for how NOT to do things, the exceptions being notable. Certainly anyone taller then the lower end of average has always been left out to dry on issue backpacks, from the ALICE, to the MOLLE, to the ILBE, to the FILBE, the "tall" setting for the new USMC FILBE is supposed to be for anyone over 5'8" for crying out loud!
If it works good for you, consider yourself lucky, but as someone who's tried several of the current hunting packs on the market comparing them to a MOLLE frame is a massive stretch, and really doesn't do any of them justice.
The military has a long and glorious history of making up for massively under-preforming gear with willpower and sheer brute strength, most of those guys don't even use the waist belt on issue packs. Typically what the military is using is a good benchmark for how NOT to do things, the exceptions being notable. Certainly anyone taller then the lower end of average has always been left out to dry on issue backpacks, from the ALICE, to the MOLLE, to the ILBE, to the FILBE, the "tall" setting for the new USMC FILBE is supposed to be for anyone over 5'8" for crying out loud!
If it works good for you, consider yourself lucky, but as someone who's tried several of the current hunting packs on the market comparing them to a MOLLE frame is a massive stretch, and really doesn't do any of them justice.

I'll consider myself LUCKY if you will concede that you are UNLUCKY in the same respect - what about "7 packs for my group"? seem "lucky" to you ? there is nobody who'll ever feel themselves "lucky" to have 90+ lbs on their back, nary a single complaint from any of the "guys" on bruising, rubbing, hip pain or sore backs and we have all been christened by fire with the hell hole hands and knees scramble more times than anyone wants to remember, as we've all said before "we keep coming back year after year" .... Sorry you don't think the MOLLE II system is worth a darn and that your opinion of the military concern for troops is lackluster, you might very well be correct on all counts, just not the last word in - BTW, I've a close friend outfitter in Wyoming who has 6 of "my" packs and he uses them exclusively with nothing but praise for their relative comfort and robust nature, he accepted them as his first tip from me and swears it's the best deal he ever made, he and both his guides are at least 6' and I'm 5' 11" - sorry it won't work for you but sometimes that's the way it is ...
They very well could be the best frame you have used, but that is scant information...the pertinent question is what are you comparing them to?

comparing them to what I've done with them and suffered no ill effects like the ones you mention - I don't "buy stuff" for the heck of it - If it works well for me I post comments and opinions the same as you do - I apologize if daring to even slightly compare a very robust albeit inexpensive pack next to the "high end" models you champion offends you, "maybe" YOU should try one the packs I'm SUGGESTNG instead ?
I've logged a lot of miles with a Molle 2 pack (occupationally). I'm 6'4". It gets the job done, but my list of complaints about it is long, and with enough weight and miles it's like torture for me. It's probably hard to do better for the money, but you can do a lot better. The good thing about all of us recreational folks is that we get to choose whether we want to use one or not, then go argue about it on the internet! How neat is that?
I've logged a lot of miles with a Molle 2 pack (occupationally). I'm 6'4". It gets the job done, but my list of complaints about it is long, and with enough weight and miles it's like torture for me. It's probably hard to do better for the money, but you can do a lot better. The good thing about all of us recreational folks is that we get to choose whether we want to use one or not, then go argue about it on the internet! How neat is that?

Yep, you got that right - If I ever implied that IMO the MOLLE II was as good as the higher end packs then I got too verbose and was mistaken, all I was trying to say is a person does not necessarily have to spend the kids' lunch money if budgets are tight - If I were doing what you guys do, which I just cannot physically do now, I'd be using a new SG frame and custom made pack for it but It would be wasted on me
"maybe" YOU should try one the packs I'm SUGGESTNG instead ?

As I stated, I already have. I'm asking what your frame of reference is on other packs. Which packs is it better than and which packs is it worse than? I'll never challenge a man for saying something gets the job done, but if he is comparing it to packs he has never used I'm going to be scratching my head.
I would MUCH rather have a Stone Glacier or Kifaru pack and use a Ruger American rifle to hunt with then a Molle pack and my Kimber Montana or Tikka.

We all choose what priorities are for our uses. A rifle I only use for a VERY small time of the hunt while a pack is used nearly constantly throughout at hunt.

There are folks that have only used a Savage Stevens rifle for their whole hunting career and it works just fine for them and they don't know or need to know about other options. Doesn't mean there isn't stuff that may be better, but for their uses it works.

I find it funny guys will spend $600 or more on a rifle scope than then turn their nose up at the same price for a quality backpack.