Most expensive thing you lost while hunting

Had a buddy set down my brand new Leica range finder on a mt goat hunt. It immediately started rolling down into a shale slide. Knowing he was already fairly spent I climbed down into the chute to get it. Was able to retrieve that item. Then a couple hours later after I had shot my goat we were taking pictures with my brand new Nikon camera, which at the time was like 700$, and if you could guess he AGAIN sets it down only to once again see it go rolling clear to the bottom never to be seen again! I was so mad but at the same time kept my cool because after all he was helping me on one of the most physically demanding hunts there is. But we have never hunted together since.
My wedding ring in a duck pond in argentina. Must have come off when I took my gloves off. Never felt it slip off. We were standing in 3' of water anyways. I would have never found it. Shot a brazilian teal that morning.
My sister studied in Switzerland for a year. While there she bought me a black swiss army knife. It had my name embossed on it. Just the right tools on it for a pocket knife for my purposes of cutting cheese and trail bologna in the woods. I cared it for years. When I got home to Florida from a walk in hunt in Ohios Wayne National Forest I couldn't find it anywhere.

The loss not a great monetary loss but I knew my sister probably stretched out to buy it for me on a students budget. I felt terrible.

A year goes by and I find myself in the same area in Ohio. I start thinking about that knife. The last I can remember using it is cutting a hunk of cheese near a big huge blowdown in a drainage. I figure I’m a mile from there so I still hunt over there. I find right where I remember sitting. I start moving the two feet of leaves around and I see something shiny. I found that knife laying there with the blade open.
It was in good shape and only slightly weathered.

That was in 1993 and carry that knife in my pack to this day.
I cant recall losing anything else hunting. I lost a pair of $300 sunglasses fishing.
I had a tote lid in the back of my truck blow off and lost some brand new hunting clothes, hats, gaiters on the way to Colorado. Lost a fixed blade buck knife (that I found on the side of the road) racoon hunting at night after I unbuckled my belt to relieve myself. My 4wheeler and ice fishing gear spent a night under water after going through the ice on the Mississippi River. I got most of my stuff back, minus a few tip ups and some delicious pike. I temporarily lost a 22 revolver checking traps, found it after a panic attack and retracing my steps.
It was after a trip. I had all my stuff in contractor bags. I also had garbage in a contractor bag. I accidently threw away an entire contractor bag full of gear. Boots, rain gear, jackets, pants. It was at least $500 worth of gear. I didn't realize it until about a week later.
Really? Not one person talking about losing their house, boat, truck, 401k all that in a divorce from hunting too much? I am surprised. Lucky for me my wife hunts so that isn't as big of a concern.

I set down my black range finder in a burn area after shooting a bull a couple years ago. After the adrenaline and excitement of shooting the bull slowed down I realized I put the rangefinder on the ground and went back to where I shot from. Never did find the darn thing. Lost a couple cell phones in duck ponds too.
I lost a brand-new pair of glasses in Lake Okeechobee while bowfishing for tilapia one time.

The glasses were 5 hours old. Literally. $450 down the drain.
I lost my phone goose hunting in a foot of snow once. That was shitty.

My neighbor left his bow on the tailgate and drove away...

I am constantly paranoid about forgetting things. I frequently misplace stuff but rarely lose it completely.
Over 10 years ago my spouse left a Leica rangefinder on a fence post in the breaks. It was over a 8 mile hike one way to grab it and he opted not to get it.

Lost an archery release last year fell out of a pocket.

Not lost in the field but had my swaro 12x50 EL’s stolen this year in my private office at work. They were insured but don’t know which employee stole them. That hurt a lot

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My dumbass friends loaded my duffel back backpack and boots into a storage pod on top of a trailer. Didn't secure it properly. Came open in the middle of the night in South Dakota. Lost my duffel, backpack, and one boot. Probably $3000 gone, including most of my favorite clothes. Still pisses me off. Idiots.
My dumbass friends loaded my duffel back backpack and boots into a storage pod on top of a trailer. Didn't secure it properly. Came open in the middle of the night in South Dakota. Lost my duffel, backpack, and one boot. Probably $3000 gone, including most of my favorite clothes. Still pisses me off. Idiots.
I had a similar deal happen, but unfortunately I was the dumbass. I thought it was all secure, but I strapped down the tote by hooking a ratchet strap to a clamp from my tonneau cover and the clamp fell off while trucking down the highway at 75 mph. Lesson learned (expensive one)!
We got back to the truck and trailer after helping on a mountain goat hunt. I dropped my pack at the base of a big pine by the horse trailer and unloaded the goat and unsaddled the mules. We loaded the mules up and left. In the pack was my spotter and tripod, binos harness with 10s, a pair of 15s, some misc gear and my Inreach. Right off the side of a busy main road. I didn't realize it for a whole day. I pinged the Inreach and it was still on the mountain. My dad and I drove up the next morning and picked it up. I was pretty stressed out about losing all my optics and was glad to get them back

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