Most expensive piece of gear you've lost on a hunt?

Called a bear in with a plastic primos call I had lashed around my neck. Lost it blood trailing in the brush. Only time I ever used it.

Dropped vortex binos. Luckily I could follow my tracks back to find it.
Dropped someone else's radio in 3ft of snow had to walk back half a mile and check every single post hole... whoops.

Lost all sorts of diaphragm calls. Just dropped my new coyote onein the dirt today.
Lost a Montana decoy one year, but found one as well the year after! Left a swarovski spotter on a mountain, but found it later. Also found a pair of swarovski binos on a hunt and was able to find the owner that same day!
I have used the same slate call for 15 yrs...but I probably lost 20 strikers over those 15 years..I keep 2 extra in my glove box during turkey season...
Dropped my phone in the snow but was able to retrace my steps and found it. My buddy lost my rangefinder on an archery antelope hunt in Idaho.

Last year on an archery antelope hunt my cousin dropped his range finder on a stalk but we were able to retrace his steps and find it. On the same hunt I lost 3 arrows, one of which had a new iron will on it, a pair of nice sunglasses, and popped two tires 🤦‍♂️. Bought all new tires that week then hit a deer and totalled the rig 3 days later.
Swarovski binoculars and a sig rangefinder...bino harness fell out of the truck when we stopped for a bathroom break and I didn’t notice it. Went back to find it but someone had already picked it up.
my platinum wedding band in a lake in Argentina. Took my gloves off and I guess it came off with them. Never felt it come off. Wife didnt much care. Bought a new one when I got home. Head lamp on that same trip got misplaced.
My sunglasses antelope hunting last year.

Im sure other various bits and pieces through out the years. Nothing too significant.
Lost the key to a UTV and had to hike 12 miles out to grab my truck. The road was brutal and I’m sure I did some damage hauling the trailer back to where my now stuck side by side was parked. By some dumb luck, the following day, the sun’s glare reflected perfectly off the key next to the creek I scoured 10 times over. Must’ve fallen out of my pocket when I was filling up a water bottle. I’ve never felt so dumb and so lucky all at the same time.
This would make me sick to my stomach.

I still get red hot ears angry every once in a while. I really miss my Simms Windstopper DL jacket. That thing was awesome, and they don't make them anymore. No one really makes anything similar anymore, except Sitka has that Fanatic jacket, but it's more than $400. The Simms was $200 or so.
My wedding ring while gutting a deer. Finished cleaning him out and stood up a flung my hands to sling the blood off and my ring went flying down the side of the mountain too. My wife watched the whole thing happen. She has pretty good hearing because she heard it hit a rock about a 100 feet down the hill. Walked right down to it. Not sure how it came off because I have not been able to take it off for years. My fingers have gotten bigger as I have gotten fatter over the years.
Dropped a lanyard full of duck calls on the walk into the blind one morning. Reached down to pet the dog when we finished setting up and the lanyard was around his neck. He got an extra treat on the ride home.
I lost a Benchmade 201+ fixed blade. I always had it in its sheath on my belt so I'd always know where it was. We stopped on the side of a dirt road to take a leak while antelope hunting and it must have slid off my belt when I peed. Deerrpp! But after reading this thread I feel much better about myself.
2015, October. Lost my InReach. Never found it, and never really looked. Wasn’t a fan of it to begin with so while I was out $200 I wasn’t overly agitated...
That is exactly how an In-Reach quickly becomes an Out-of-Reach :)
I lost my InReach Mini last year but thankfully it was on and I was able to drive to get cell signal and ping it on the Garmin website and get GPS coordinates and find it.
Not bragging, ok maybe a little. I can't recall ever losing anything while hunting. I'm pretty anal about keeping track of everything. If I take something out of a pocket or pack or from around my neck I lay it on my pack, so when I pick up the pack I see what needs to be put away before moving on. Hopefully I haven't spoken too soon, we all know how that works.
Haven’t lost anything expensive yet but did lose a bugle tube this last season. Pretty sure I left it at our camp area while packing up. Went back the next weekend and it wasn’t there, pretty sure someone else found it.