Most Accurate/Lethal/Consistent 7mm LR Hunting Bullet in 162gr to 180gr

Most Accurate/Lethal/Consistent 7mm LR Hunting Bullet weighing 162gr -180gr

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Shooter Mike

Dec 7, 2021
I'm enjoying the accuracy and consistency I'm getting with the Berger's, and have had similar but slightly not as great results with the ELD-X line. The Berger 168 VLD-H and 175 EH are sold out everywhere, so it's time to find another bullet for the 7PRC. Curious to hear what you all have to say, and decide on if I need to stock up on Bergers when the become available again, or go on to something else.

Can only speak to accuracy and consistency on the 168gr Berger hybrid hunters. Every shot was almost touching and didn’t have 1 out of two boxes that wasn’t grouping out of my 7mm rm. wanted to like the ABLR but had several that wouldn’t feed right and a few rounds not group.
I've had and seen good terminal results from Sierra, Speer, Berger, Hornady cup and core bullets, on a variety of game. However, Berger's have been the most accurate consistently across more than 10 rifles I've personally loaded for, and probably hundreds of combinations of bullet/powder/case/primer/cartridge etc. Add to that the hybrid ogive is stupid easy to load for and not picky/finnicky at all, the BCs are high, and their consistency is top of the top. Yes they cost more and can be hard to find (compared to Hornady), but now that I know which bullets I prefer in each caliber, I just make sure to buy several hundred every time I find them - haven't run out yet. I have tried Hornady's again and again and never been impressed by the results. Are they accurate enough? Probably. Will I knowingly pick a bullet that produces measurably worse precision and has arguably worse consistency? No, not personally.
Haven't had any issues with the 140 Berger VLDs, 168 VLDs, 180 Berger Hybrids or the 190 Berger Hybrids. Only bullets I'll shoot out of my .284 calibers