Moose in the yard


Feb 10, 2023
I kinda like to do moose calls while I'm working around the house. Have seen 2 cows come through. Be real nice if a legal bull would come in. But sure doesn't hurt to have a cow hanging around. They usually attract a bull or several. This cow has been enjoying cleaning up the garden eating the pea vines and cabbage. 20240918_162852.jpg
Couldn’t imagine living somewhere where you can see moose let alone in your back yard. Would be really cool.
I’m stuck in the Midwest with just whitetail.
The video link that doesn't work that @Steve300xcw posted is truly amazing. Just wow. Thanks for posting it.

Amd the Mom in the video is beyond annoying.


P.S. And I know moose are big animals, but seeing in this setting really drives their HUGE size home.
It seems that at least once a year, a moose wanders into Boise. They generally follow the Boise river through the city and sometimes into Eagle, north of Boise.
Wow that lady has a lot of faith in luck ! I can say that I've done some questionable things with moose but have been around them for over 45 years.
I am blessed that we can have the moose around to watch and for me to study. I practice different moose sounds and watch how they react. I the winter after we get some snow having moose in the yard is a daily thing. The first thing that you do when you walk out the door is to look for moose. We had a calf that broke the door to our hay shed down and took up residence last year. Too bad because moose eat the hay but can't digest it. And it died. It was given to a dog musher to salvage.
I've had the opportunity to take our 7 and 6 year old grandson out hunting with me. Really great to be in the bush with the kids. Our 7 year old could do a real good moose call since he was 3 years old.
This cow moose showed up yesterday while the grandkids were all out playing in our yard. And our chessy was with them. A resapie for disaster. I ended up getting charged twice. Nothing like having a moose charge you with only a birch tree between you and a moose 10 feet away. But I was able to get her out of the yard and the dog put away.
Just another day around the house when you live in moose country I guess. We do enjoy watching them and try respecting their space
This is too funny not to tell it. When my son was 10 or 12 we were watching a Moose hunting show and the guide was calling moose with his mouth. My son was amazed he could do that. I said it was easy and started grunting like the guide did. My wife came into the room and said 'what's that noise? I looked at my son and said "See it works!" We died laughing and every time my wife kept asking what was so funny we laughed more. When I finally could stop laughing I told her and of course she punched me!
I have been asked often if I was scared of the grizzly bears. I always said nope the cow moose scared me more. I have walked around the horse barn and had a moose standing staring at me plenty of times.
Crazy neighbor - I got chased by a shed bull moose last year while deer hunting in Vermont. I was 200 yards away from the vertical switch back trail to get down the mountain when it finally turned around. I really thought I was going to have to defend myself.

He did not like me walking up on his ridge top.
This is too funny not to tell it. When my son was 10 or 12 we were watching a Moose hunting show and the guide was calling moose with his mouth. My son was amazed he could do that. I said it was easy and started grunting like the guide did. My wife came into the room and said 'what's that noise? I looked at my son and said "See it works!" We died laughing and every time my wife kept asking what was so funny we laughed more. When I finally could stop laughing I told her and of course she punched me!
That’s pretty funny!
This cow was charging at me while he was getting it away from the grandkids. 20240922_160559.jpgHere is some pictures of a bull that I called into the yard. 20240922_160559.jpg38124E2F-5EF6-4BA8-91CB-03AF955B831B.jpeg99AA6B0F-D1E2-4493-AB7B-52DC773F6E62.jpeg3F65CA72-E83F-4B04-8845-1CFBCBEDEA9A.jpeg387D1C19-3DD3-49BE-A034-E35FAAB9F887.jpeg6E0AFA0B-9E66-450C-8A91-AE35C042308D.jpeg