- Joined
- Jun 14, 2020
Pre warning. I had surgery on both my hands today so I chicken pecked this out and read it twice. However if I sound like a Moron with miss spelled words and bad grammar that’s worse then normal. I’m sorry
Hey guys I’m headed to the brooks range on a 15 day moose/bear hunt on horse back. I’m using Tim’s Alaska adventures if he’s terrible it’s to late but from all my research. I couldn’t find anything bad via search’s. His References where great and talking to him I was very comfortable with spending more money then I’ve I’ve every spent in my life.
I have all sorts of questions as I’ve never done anything like this. But below are the ones eating at me. That’s I can’t get locked down from outfitter. He doesn’t avoid them just says will make it work and keep you comfortable as possible.
Answer some or answer none.
1) outfitter recommends pac boots with linears I’m looking at schnees , Hoffman, and Kendrick.
I like the ones with the less aggressive treads. However that may be a terrible idea. I may need the big lugs for grip. My main question on pack boots. Can you wear them with out the liner?
If so I’ll get good use out of them back home. If not they will be to hot back home which isn’t the end of the world.
2) sleeping bag. It can be very Rainey and wet. We will spike camp most days. Do I need synthetic or down on a bag? Do I need to spend $500.00 on a Kifaru or similar? Money is tight and everything is adding up. I knew it would but man are things pricey.
I have the right clothes minus rain pants which is saved a lot.. But staying dry is something the outfitter really stresses. Day and night time. His number one failed hunters are bad feet. Number two is bad clothes and can’t stay warm and dry.
3) trip insurance I have 4 more days to decide is $1100 in insurance worth it? I got a quote from rip cord. Open to others if you feel it’s needed. Out fitter said quote it’s nice to have Incase something bad happens.
4) Rifle. I have a Styer .300 win mag that I love. Shot it for better part of 15 years. However it’s heavy. I purchased a Christian Arms .30 Nosler last year. I like it but still figuring it out. I have time to put a lot of rounds through it before leaving to really feel confident like I do my .300. I’d be shooting 200 or 220 grain partrition bullet. Depends if the gun likes the 220’s
5) Getting critters home. I’ve been planning this trip for a few years. Talked to 6 outfitters in Canada and Alaska. None seem thrilled about getting all your meat home. and not just donating it to locals. Canada has boarder customers issues. Alaska suggest filling a hopper and checking it.
It’s important to me to be able to share this meat. Also the few time I had it. Moose eMate is flipping fantastic.
Tim said he do what ever he needs to help me get it home but not a lot of insite on how.. I’d like to get 200 lbs of meat at least. Any suggestions on how to from fair banks to Alabama
6) taxidermy I’d like to do a European mount. How do you separate the horns from the skull for transport? I for got to ask outfitter. That specific question.
Outfitter recommends using a taxidermist in Fairbanks thoughts on that. He didn’t recommend a specific one.
I’m also grizzly hunting and would do a rug if that matters.
7) gratitude/ Tips I’ve done two “ guided hunts” both turkeys. One the guy un locks the gate and turns you loose but cooks meals and place to stay. Other was Mexic where the Guide was with us 24/7 but let us hunt and call how we wanted. I gave $200 and $400.00. When I Guided daily turkey hunts I’d get $50 - $100 a day. They where very important to me as we made less then minimum wage from the outfitter considering hours out in.
What’s fair for a hunt like this.
Do you Tip the float plane pilots?
Thanks guys. Just trying to lock it all down and Feel comfortable with All my decisions and the pin the hard part wait for September. Thank you.
Hey guys I’m headed to the brooks range on a 15 day moose/bear hunt on horse back. I’m using Tim’s Alaska adventures if he’s terrible it’s to late but from all my research. I couldn’t find anything bad via search’s. His References where great and talking to him I was very comfortable with spending more money then I’ve I’ve every spent in my life.
I have all sorts of questions as I’ve never done anything like this. But below are the ones eating at me. That’s I can’t get locked down from outfitter. He doesn’t avoid them just says will make it work and keep you comfortable as possible.
Answer some or answer none.
1) outfitter recommends pac boots with linears I’m looking at schnees , Hoffman, and Kendrick.
I like the ones with the less aggressive treads. However that may be a terrible idea. I may need the big lugs for grip. My main question on pack boots. Can you wear them with out the liner?
If so I’ll get good use out of them back home. If not they will be to hot back home which isn’t the end of the world.
2) sleeping bag. It can be very Rainey and wet. We will spike camp most days. Do I need synthetic or down on a bag? Do I need to spend $500.00 on a Kifaru or similar? Money is tight and everything is adding up. I knew it would but man are things pricey.
I have the right clothes minus rain pants which is saved a lot.. But staying dry is something the outfitter really stresses. Day and night time. His number one failed hunters are bad feet. Number two is bad clothes and can’t stay warm and dry.
3) trip insurance I have 4 more days to decide is $1100 in insurance worth it? I got a quote from rip cord. Open to others if you feel it’s needed. Out fitter said quote it’s nice to have Incase something bad happens.
4) Rifle. I have a Styer .300 win mag that I love. Shot it for better part of 15 years. However it’s heavy. I purchased a Christian Arms .30 Nosler last year. I like it but still figuring it out. I have time to put a lot of rounds through it before leaving to really feel confident like I do my .300. I’d be shooting 200 or 220 grain partrition bullet. Depends if the gun likes the 220’s
5) Getting critters home. I’ve been planning this trip for a few years. Talked to 6 outfitters in Canada and Alaska. None seem thrilled about getting all your meat home. and not just donating it to locals. Canada has boarder customers issues. Alaska suggest filling a hopper and checking it.
It’s important to me to be able to share this meat. Also the few time I had it. Moose eMate is flipping fantastic.
Tim said he do what ever he needs to help me get it home but not a lot of insite on how.. I’d like to get 200 lbs of meat at least. Any suggestions on how to from fair banks to Alabama
6) taxidermy I’d like to do a European mount. How do you separate the horns from the skull for transport? I for got to ask outfitter. That specific question.
Outfitter recommends using a taxidermist in Fairbanks thoughts on that. He didn’t recommend a specific one.
I’m also grizzly hunting and would do a rug if that matters.
7) gratitude/ Tips I’ve done two “ guided hunts” both turkeys. One the guy un locks the gate and turns you loose but cooks meals and place to stay. Other was Mexic where the Guide was with us 24/7 but let us hunt and call how we wanted. I gave $200 and $400.00. When I Guided daily turkey hunts I’d get $50 - $100 a day. They where very important to me as we made less then minimum wage from the outfitter considering hours out in.
What’s fair for a hunt like this.
Do you Tip the float plane pilots?
Thanks guys. Just trying to lock it all down and Feel comfortable with All my decisions and the pin the hard part wait for September. Thank you.