Moose Hunt Cartridge and Bullet

Thanks for the info/pics! Do you remember the shot distance? Looks like a one-shot kill right? DRT or about how long did it take to go down?
I think it was 509 yards.

I lead too much and missed my first follow up and shattered the spine right where it connects with pelvis on the third shot. I think it was going to fall anyway but my plan was to shoot it to the ground.

It walked about 50 yards from first shot.
Our two Moose both fell to 180 TTSX out of a 30-06 at 25 feet and 380 yards. From your list I’d lean to the 7 PRC and a partition/Accubond/trophy bonded tip or Barnes LRX or the 6.5 PRC with similar bullets.

Both were broadside classic lung shots. Both Moose hardly reacted and we gave then 1-2 more similar shots and they fell down. I think they are large enough body wise it takes them a bit to react to lung hits and fall. So plan to keep shooting or is it KeepHammering them so they don’t run into a bad spot, like a lake/swamp.
Take the most powerful one that you are consistently accurate with under field conditions.

If grizzly are in the area, how confident are you that a 6 CM will stop a charge (as low a likelihood it is)? I ask since none of the "smaller is 100% always better crowd" ever chimes in on this partially subject and I am legitimately curious.
Our two Moose both fell to 180 TTSX out of a 30-06 at 25 feet and 380 yards. From your list I’d lean to the 7 PRC and a partition/Accubond/trophy bonded tip or Barnes LRX or the 6.5 PRC with similar bullets.

Both were broadside classic lung shots. Both Moose hardly reacted and we gave then 1-2 more similar shots and they fell down. I think they are large enough body wise it takes them a bit to react to lung hits and fall. So plan to keep shooting or is it KeepHammering them so they don’t run into a bad spot, like a lake/swamp.
Haha...definitely KeepHammering! Well played!

@AZ_Hunter_2000 In regards to Grizzlies, your question is definitely valid and I'm sure there are many different points of view on it. Never a "right" or perfect answer on these things I suppose. I think the "most powerful one that you are consistently accurate with under field conditions" statement applies to all animals in all conditions. I don't know all the data, but I believe the most effective pistol cartridge for bear based on data has been 9MM. Is that just because that's what people happened to have? Or is that because people can use that cartridge most effectively? I don't think we'll ever know for sure, but you have to ready the weapon and hit your intended target for anything to be effective. I'm going to be carrying a pistol in a chest holster for bear defense, so in my case, the power of my rifle isn't really relevant to that part.
killed mine with a 300 wsm and a 180 TTSX. hit him in the spine, but it was a drop on the spot.
Buddy killed his with a 212 ELD-X out of a 300 WM.

If i've got bears in the area (We had grizzly tags too), I'm taking a heavier hitter for an across the world hunt. I don't want to be far from home, marginally gunned.

You'll kill moose with any of them, but if recoil doesn't run you off, put a 300 or a 7mm in him and put him to sleep.
Haha...definitely KeepHammering! Well played!

@AZ_Hunter_2000 In regards to Grizzlies, your question is definitely valid and I'm sure there are many different points of view on it. Never a "right" or perfect answer on these things I suppose. I think the "most powerful one that you are consistently accurate with under field conditions" statement applies to all animals in all conditions. I don't know all the data, but I believe the most effective pistol cartridge for bear based on data has been 9MM. Is that just because that's what people happened to have? Or is that because people can use that cartridge most effectively? I don't think we'll ever know for sure, but you have to ready the weapon and hit your intended target for anything to be effective. I'm going to be carrying a pistol in a chest holster for bear defense, so in my case, the power of my rifle isn't really relevant to that part.
Intent was to not hijack your thread but to indirectly get an answer to a question that I had about using non-traditional small cartridges in grizzly or brown bear country.

Folks tend to use what they have on them. Shoemaker made a decision to leave his 44 and bring his 9mm. A lady in the 1950s only had a 22 LR and was able to make a one-shot kill on the monster grizzly attacking her. Doesn't prove that smaller is always better but also doesn't prove that a person has to have a monster cartridge to stop a legit charge.

Before folks get their delicates knotted up, this is tongue in cheek...
I do look forward to the RS crew advocating the 380 ACP with hard cast ammo for bear defense. The published penetration on BB 380 ACP hard cast is 20"+ which is close to what Ryan got on his giraffe (~24") with his 6 UM.

Do wish you a fun and successful hunt. Train hard and practice harder.
I’d take the 300 with a 200 gr Partition. Accubonds are as good or better, as are many copper bullets, but I enjoy the long successful history of Partitions and it’s fun bringing home the meat with an old bullet design when other members of the family are still second guessing more modern designs and flip flopping around riding the struggle bus.

You’ll have fun - it’s big country and the moose are bigger in person. Every bit of long range preparation will be worth it. Hunting planning has a way of bringing up visions of a certain type of shot, but we all find situations that are less than ideal and it’s a heartbreaker to have an animal walk away because something about it was beyond the capability of you or the rifle.
In an attempt to use your parameters I would use either the 300 or the 7 with the ELD-X whichever one you shoot the best.

If it were me, and the relative is close enough to allow me to get a grizzly tag without a guide, I'd get a grizzly tag and take the 300PRC with a 200gr CEB Lazer load.
Since you’re hunting with friends, you might also consider bringing along a second rifle or even a pistol for fun if an easy shot presents itself. It’s not talked about much, but it’s a lot of fun to use a gun that otherwise would never be a first choice for a big hunt. As much as I poo poo smaller cartridges and they wouldn’t be a primary weapon, I’d love to poke a moose out in the open with my 6mm-06, brain one at 100 yards with a 204 Ruger, or use an old timey open sighted 300 Savage lever action if a close offhand shot presented itself.
We’ve got 5 moose. Two with 180 e tips (copper). Walked around in a circle and fell over. Two with 143 eldx. Longest 530 yds. Took a little longer, but still dead. One with a 165 sierra I think, maybe made it 50 yards. One mt goat at 200 with the 180 e tips purposely in the shoulder. Bang flop, one goat with the 165 sierra. Missed the shoulder and fell a mile. One grizz with both the e tip and 165 sierra simultaneously. Best of both worlds, bang flop. Coolest shooting I’ve watched. Got to watch the etip exit thru the scope as the sierra impacted. The bear was upright, turned at the first impact to give the second impact a 90 degree off hit. So basically 6.5 creedmoor “soft” bullets to 300 rum “hard” bullets same result. I love my rum, but my advice is shoot the biggest gun you can accurately and comfortably with the emphasis on accurate and comfortable.
Just give me the 7mm and take the 300! Seriously, if I had a rifle I shot like that I’d shoot everything from gophers to giraffes with it.
Haha for real! I think I got one of those unicorn barrels that just flat out shoots. It's a 24" Bartlein barrel that I had spun up by Southern Precision.
Of the bullets you listed, those 175 ELDXs create excellent killing wounds.

My only personal experience was with a mature bull moose last September in Alaska at 523 yards. 22 Creedmoor shooting 80 ELDX.

Roughly 2,180 impact velocity. Quartering slightly away. Moose was hit once, moved forward 20 feet behind some trees. Before I could shoot again he dropped (less than 5 seconds).

Two finger sized wound channel on the entrance side turned into a 4+ finger sized wound channel most of the way through the animal.




My moose hunting experience is limited to one trip. With that being said, I would recommend sticking with either your 7mm or 300. I ended up shooting my moose at about 70 yards with my 300RUM and 180 Accubonds. I’ll say that the Accubonds did a decent job sticking together at that range and velocity but I would recommend either Barnes or a Partition especially for moose in Alaska. I watched my buddy shoot his with a 30-06 with Partitions and I was more impressed by them. I realize they aren’t on your list but that’s my experience.