
You have to get it in person wherever they sell licenses. You have to either show an archery license from your state or show that you've taken an archery hunting class somewhere.
I included mine with my application. How long does the draw process generally take?

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I feel like there is a bit of confusion going on here. If you draw a limited entry aka special archery only TAG, I believe that gets mailed to you if you are successful. However, there is a bow and arrow license that they charge you for if you want to hunt archery. I thought it was necessary to purchase that before you applied for an archery permit though. The bow and arrow license is what you have to prove you have taken a bowhunters education class for.
If you are applying for an archery only permit you are required to purchase a Montana bow and arrow license prior to applying. So if you are applying for a LE archery hunt you need to buy the $10 license at time of application.
Now I’m confused. I put in for elk general season. I thought you had to have the general tag to buy the archery permit for $10.
If you are not applying for an archery permit (limited entry unit) you don't need to purchase at time of application.

If you draw the General Elk Tag, and you want to hunt archery in one of the general units, you will need to purchase the Bow & Arrow License prior to archery hunting. Hope that makes sense.
If you are applying for an archery only permit you are required to purchase a Montana bow and arrow license prior to applying. So if you are applying for a LE archery hunt you need to buy the $10 license at time of application.

This is correct. If applying for an archery only limited permit you have to check the box and pay for the bow and arrow license at the time of application.
This is correct. If applying for an archery only limited permit you have to check the box and pay for the bow and arrow license at the time of application.

Hmm... I applied for an archery permit and did not see any box and was not required to buy a bow license. I went back and looked at my receipt and don't see anything about a bow license. Now I'm confused!
This year Montana changed their requirement on the archery license prerequisite. Here is what the updated status is reads from the "Whats New" section in the 2019 Montana Deer Elk Antelope big game regulations from page 3. "
  • Archery licenses are required to hunt in archery only districts or seasons, however, they are no longer a prerequisite for application for archery only districts or licenses. Hunters will be notified of the archery license requirement if they are drawn for an archery only license or permit.
Hmm... I applied for an archery permit and did not see any box and was not required to buy a bow license. I went back and looked at my receipt and don't see anything about a bow license. Now I'm confused!

There was a bow and arrow check box there. According to MT257, Montana changed the requirement to have purchased this at time of application when applying for a limited archery only permit, however, I did not see that change. Regardless, why mess around with getting it later when you can check the box and pay the $10 at time of application. When you are dropping over $1,000 as a nonresident what is $10 more to just check the box box and not have to worry about it later. Here is a snipping from my receipt from the other day.

Blinn I agree on the ten bucks. What’s another ten when planning a trip. I asked my question as I did not see a archery permit fee box to archery hunt in the general hunt areas. I have already submitted my application several days ago.
There was a bow and arrow check box there. According to MT257, Montana changed the requirement to have purchased this at time of application when applying for a limited archery only permit, however, I did not see that change. Regardless, why mess around with getting it later when you can check the box and pay the $10 at time of application. When you are dropping over $1,000 as a nonresident what is $10 more to just check the box box and not have to worry about it later. Here is a snipping from my receipt from the other day.

I don't disagree, I just did not see the option when I applied or I probably would have done so. With that said since you have the option to return the general tag if you don't draw the special permit, it does not make a lot of sense to require you purchase the bow license just to apply.
When I applied I did check the box for bow and arrow but I haven't found a place to show proof of bow hunter education or a previous years archery stamp from another state. How do I show proof?
This year Montana changed their requirement on the archery license prerequisite. Here is what the updated status is reads from the "Whats New" section in the 2019 Montana Deer Elk Antelope big game regulations from page 3. "
  • Archery licenses are required to hunt in archery only districts or seasons, however, they are no longer a prerequisite for application for archery only districts or licenses. Hunters will be notified of the archery license requirement if they are drawn for an archery only license or permit.

Good find, I read the articles a few times and did not see this info. I imagine this was taken out because last year there were a lot of angry applicants who did not purchase the archery license at time of application and were denied permits. As mentioned above I did purchase the license at application.