Road hunters have nothing to do with actual hunting pressure.Geographically it's a big unit. Yes, you can expect wolves so buy a tag.
There's a good bit of hunting pressure as it's a draw unit for residents, but it has to be your first choice and it's a guaranteed draw for residents.
I hunted it this year during rifle and saw more orange than elk. I shot my bull on the second day of rifle and saw a lot of road hunters so expect a lot of pressure. I've taken bulls out of this unit in '17 and '19 and they were both raghorns. While you can find big bulls, it's predominantly raghorns that you'll see as it's managed for opportunities.
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You won’t shoot a wolf so don’t waste your money.
Your only hope of killing one is if you kill an elk in a spot that can be seen from a vantage point that you can slip into from above. Get there at very first light without getting busted and you might get lucky.
Black Dawg did the people you know have wolf tags?
Yes, I'm aware that road hunters have nothing to do with pressure. I said I saw more orange (hunters) than elk. I've hunted the south and north ends of the unit and have experienced a lot of hunting pressure during archery and rifle. More so than other units that are in the Bitterroot.Road hunters have nothing to do with actual hunting pressure.
You won’t shoot a wolf so don’t waste your money.
It’s not managed for opportunities anymore than most other units. I know of a 360 killed there and one bigger. You will take home a small bull if that’s what you shoot.
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What part of MI? I'm from MI myself the Jackson-Ann Arbor area.I have hunted this unit 3 times. Every time I have seen multiple bulls. Some rag horns and two 300+ Missed two bulls. Seen some mountain lions, their den and also wolf tracks, never seen or heard one though. But overall I like the unit. There is a lot of elk in there, you just need to find them. My very first time I opted to learn from a guide and we were in elk 4 out of 5 days, one was my miss judged distance causing a miss. The rest of the hunts were DIY. I would be going back there again this year but I was in a different unit for 2019 and am going to go back to that unit for 2020. Try something new. I personally wouldn't hesitate to go back. Oh and some of the muley I have seen are great! I meet a woman and her father there two years ago that drew a muley tag and she shot a brute. They also passed on multiple bulls during archery.