montana spring bear hunt


Dec 16, 2013
South Dakota
This years spring bear hunt turned out to be interesting but an unbelievable memory. I left on mothers day, yes you read that right Mothers Day. I have an amazing wife. I showed up in Montana sunday evening with the sun shining and the temp around 75 deg with shorts and t-shirt. Got all settled into a great friends camper and visited about the hunt for the next morning. Monday morning the rain already started and the fog was thick. We hiked in just a bit to get to the canyon to hunt and couldn't see anything at all. Way to foggy. We hiked back and tried a different area, same thing. Now the snow is coming and really coming hard. We hunted the rest of the day but was couldn't see much. Next morning it was a blizzard so didn't do much hunting. The third morning the snow was deep and tried to get to an area with the truck to where we could start hunting but pushing snow with the bumper the whole time just wasn't working so we turned around and I was planning on heading back to south Dakota and maybe planning on coming back in 2 weeks. We made it back to the pavement and seen a road plow coming. We sat and talked it over for a bit and turned around and followed that road plow in so we could sorta get to an area we could start hiking in. We parked the truck and saw that the snow was 2 feet plus but Justin said he had a good feeling so we hit the snowy trail. Busting trail with 2 feet and some places 3 feet was a challenge with empty packs. We walked and glassed for a 1.5 miles and spotted a bear above us. I dropped my kifaru dt1 pack settled my gun on top, ranged the bear at just under 300 yard and pulled the trigger on the custom 7wsm and watched my 168 berger bust through both shoulders. The bear plowed down the mountain and I made one last final shot and he was done for good. Now the work starts.Skinned the bear out and quartered him out and packed him back to the truck. With a 100 pounds in my pack busting through 2ft of snow is a hell of a workout. Don't ever short yourself on cardio and leg workouts. This was an amazing trip and I will never forget it, especially when your about to head back home and just thought we better give it a try even though its going to be a lot of work. This was an awesome trip with a great friend.