- Joined
- Jan 30, 2023
Haha that’s from my deer at the taxidermist bud all those little ones are ones he’s found and fixed up good try though I like how you’re reaching really hard keep it up
He’s not wrong. People wonder why the buck quality is junk and numbers are down, yet people just can’t go home without a deer. That’s directed at both residents and nonresidents. A “mature” doe provides more meat than most people’s last day “mature” bucks to punch that tag. It’s funny how a 160” was noted as a good buck not to long ago. Then a 150” became noted as a good buck. Funny to see how quickly we’ve already dropped into the 130s- 140s being called mature, old warriors, etc. Good thing is it’s tanking faster than I thought so maybe we will see some awesome change come sooner than later. By all means I hope all hunters keep shooting every deer that moves so we can speed the process up!Heck of a way to welcome yourself to the forum. I only see 3 bucks posted, so Ill assume mine was one of the “small young bucks” you are referring to. Not sure how you age deer, but that is a mature deer. Not a 5yr old but not a deer many are going to pass up in eastern Mt. And he was likely not going to have back forks as he got older. Im sure if you look at all the outfitters from the area websites you will see that is the respectable buck for the area, and your state outfitters are more than happy to take clients money and shoot every young buck they can to post on their website to sell more hunts. And as a DIY NR public land hunter, Im not going to pass up a mature buck after actually passing up young bucks for days before, and having used a weeks vacation and spent several thousands in gas and tag fees. The increase in tag fees and lower tag limits for NR that you so badly want will only make that reality worse. The harder and more expensive it is for NR to get tags, the less likely they are to go home with a tag in their pocket, and will shoot a yearly just to fill that tag. So always be careful what ya wish for! Oh, and welcome to the forum!
I could give a flying F how cool you think you are.Haha that’s from my deer at the taxidermist bud all those little ones are ones he’s found and fixed up good try though I like how you’re reaching really hard keep it up
You must care you haven’t stopped commenting and anyone that hunts in Montana should care before it’s gone I’m more so worried for my kids and not out of staters also not trying to be cool but you posted your dumb little meme to try and be cool have a good season I hope you stay in OregonI could give a flying F how cool you think you are.
I don't think your cool, nobody else thinks your cool.
Litterly nobody cares about your stupid cry baby crap but you.
Gents-You must care you haven’t stopped commenting and anyone that hunts in Montana should care before it’s gone I’m more so worried for my kids and not out of staters also not trying to be cool but you posted your dumb little meme to try and be cool have a good season I hope you stay in Oregon
Not one of those deer is a private land deer and a 3 year old deer is not a mature aged animal no matter how you look at it keep it up though you’re part of the problem have a good season
Yeah, not very diplomatic but he ain't wrong. This is something FWP needs to address. I would love to see all B tags be available for whitetails only, and a 4 point antler restriction on mulies.I'll agree 406huntermt maybe should have stated his opinion once and or started another thread, but he's not wrong. Some may view his comments as poor taste but when folks post on an open forum they open themselves up to others comments. Both positive and negative. If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen.
I'm assuming he's in time out? Is this another example of "snowflake" syndrome where we can't express a different opinion whether it's truthful or not because it might "hurt" someone's feeling?
It's evident to anyone with a brain that there is too much pressure on a shrinking resource. Pretending there is not a problem helps no one. MT FWP issues too many tags, too many hunters are unwilling to go home empty, thinking they are owed something for their $800 tag donation.
We could all have a tag if everyone would restrict harvest. I just want to hunt. I'm fine going home empty. How about others? Is it about the opportunity to hunt or do you "have" to kill? If you have to kill, you are certainly adding to the strain on the resource.
Ps: Don't give me the song about the meat. $800 buys a lot of beef.
In short, take your tag, go hunt, enjoy the resource, but be willing to go home empty to benefit the animals you say you love.
Exactly why I included both residents and nonresidents in my statement. It’s not a one sided problem.Anybody on this thread that thinks NRs are the problem and that residents are eating tags due to wanting a mature deer at any different rate than NRs is completely full of sh!t. I have family, friends, and general acquaintances that are MT residents and some of them still can't lay off a immature 3pt opening weekend let alone wait all season and it cost what $20.
MT should have a ton of Whitetail only tags and fewer "any buck" tags for NRs IMO. Hunting during the rut or not wouldn't matter as much with the ability for less guys to kill Mule Deer. Same with resident tags make them choose Whitetail or Mule Deer or maybe give the option for a $50 tag for any antlered deer. There is also ZERO reason for Mule Deer doe tags to be given away. And this is just my opinion but Mule Deer does are like shooting Bighorn Ewes and that is the same as shooting a pet goat I don't get it.
For any NR to say that since the tag cost so much guys aren't going to go home empty handed is also complete B.S. whether the tag is $200 or $800 the guy that can't hold off a 2yr old forky isn't changing his habits because of money. I ate two NR tags last fall and spent the typical travel and lodging costs...it is a choice independent of cost. Again...look at the MAJORITY of MT residents.
I could not have said this any better myself. Ill admit I did not age my deer, but am confident it is 3.5 minimum possibly older with poor genetics on the backs. I had the exact same type of experiences j_volt had. I go to MT basically every other year and have had a great time every time and filled all of my tags with bigger bucks than this years that was posted (and also laughed at by ol 406). If legally filling a tag on a respectable 3yr old is the problem, I guess Im happy to be part of the problem. Im going to start a new thread with this subject to get it where it belongs and hope all who have commented will come join the conversation and continue it. I also welcome the critisim, and Im not “woke” and butthurt over somebody upset that I killed a deer I was happy with.View attachment 509671
I guess I am part of the "problem" as this exact photo was "laughed" at by ol 406. I welcome the criticism, even if it is in a place where members were helping each other by giving first hand experiences of the Montana rut.
Here is what I know:
I will likely go back to Montana in the future, and hope those with the power to make real change (i.e. FWP, not a couple NRs with unfilled tags) will look at the data here, and make the best decisions for the herd, the sport, and the state of Montana.
- I had lots of fun with some great friends
- I will never apologize for filling a tag legally, neither should anyone else
- This buck was aged at 5.5 based on teeth. Maybe he would have blown up at 6.5
- I didn't care if he was 5.5 or 2.5. The buck/situation made me happy and I chose to fill my tag on this buck.
- While socializing/spending my Missouri dollars in Montana dive bars, every resident was extremely nice and complimented this buck. However, every buck they showed me was much smaller and appeared younger.
- Perhaps FWP and a month long rut rifle season are more to blame than NR hunters