Montana Rifle Company Junction 308Win Field Evaluation

Putting a rokstock on this gun is like marrying a super model, then fattening her up and forcing her to under go plastic surgery to look like fat amy….
Yes. If Fat Amy gave such extraordinary BJs that after receiving one, you couldn’t contemplate being without her.

Dude, they seriously look like they took a 2x4, broke it in half, had a 2 year old duct tape it back together and screwed a barreled action onto it. That sums up the rokstok.
Dude, they seriously look like they took a 2x4, broke it in half, had a 2 year old duct tape it back together and screwed a barreled action onto it. That sums up the rokstok.

Looks can be deceiving…

Everyone I know who has shot one, myself included, has changed their tune about the appearance quickly when they realize how much better they perform in field shooting. Regardless of looks, there is nothing even close in terms of function, especially the wood versions.
Looks can be deceiving…

Everyone I know who has shot one, myself included, has changed their tune about the appearance quickly when they realize how much better they perform in field shooting. Regardless of looks, there is nothing even close in terms of function, especially the wood versions.
Another koolaid drinker - lots of them on this site.
To add to my comments about the Rokstok being better, for me it didn’t really click until we had to use a variety of different rifles to complete a complicated shooting task at the summer S2H 0-600 yard class. In that event, I used 2 rental rifles with rokstoks, a Tikka with a factory stock, a left handed Tikka in a Rokstok and my own Tikka CTR in a KRG bravo. The ease of pointing the rifle to the target, staying in the scope during the shot and then getting back on target for a follow up shot was significantly better with the Rokstok. That event is the thing that solidified how much better the Rokstok truly is.
You don’t have to buy one with a RokStok if you don’t want to so I don’t know why it’s an issue at all.
Another 200+ round day and the first malfunction.

An awkward kneeling position with the rifle rotated counterclockwise while cycling. Was a gentle cycle trying to drop all the brass in a pile and not chase it in the snow- hit windage turret and fell back in.


Repeated the situation for multiple full magazines, and anything resembling a brisk stroke of the bolt launched the cases without issue. Trying to trickle them out with the rifle rotated as in the picture and they sometimes fall back in.
Quite okay for you to do what you wish.
However, it does not make someone a "koolaid" drinker to have and use a stock that was designed to improve shootibility and has proven time and time again to do so.
