Montana Proposed bill to raise Non resident base hunting fees over 500%


Jun 30, 2020
Worse than I thought- ouch!
Good thing about AZ. is you can buy license just for the number of days you will be hunting. I'm sure they limit it to X number of days, but I don't know for sure. $20 a day is what I do if I know I will only be hunting eight days or less. I should add this is for general license only.
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May 7, 2012
Non-resident to resident costs. The states should make a system where the residents, starting Jan. 1st start buying general tags. The residents if able and willing can purchase a tag at a minimum price but allowed to purchase at a higher price if wanted. If the state’s revenue can be collected solely off the voluntary purchasing of residents buying general tags at a voluntary higher price, then the state doesn’t sell any non resident tags that year. Leave it up to the residents to fund their states wildlife agencies if they choose so voluntarily. Then the residents can’t complain about non residents, they had the chance to fund it themselves. If the revenue isn’t collected by June. 30th, do a random drawing for what’s left by selling non resident general tags. All limited entry tags, sheep, goat, moose, etc. are for residents only. Residents never stop complaining about non residents, give them the opportunity to fund the wildlife agencies in their states to kick out the non residents.


Feb 11, 2016
Non-resident to resident costs. The states should make a system where the residents, starting Jan. 1st start buying general tags. The residents if able and willing can purchase a tag at a minimum price but allowed to purchase at a higher price if wanted. If the state’s revenue can be collected solely off the voluntary purchasing of residents buying general tags at a voluntary higher price, then the state doesn’t sell any non resident tags that year. Leave it up to the residents to fund their states wildlife agencies if they choose so voluntarily. Then the residents can’t complain about non residents, they had the chance to fund it themselves. If the revenue isn’t collected by June. 30th, do a random drawing for what’s left by selling non resident general tags. All limited entry tags, sheep, goat, moose, etc. are for residents only. Residents never stop complaining about non residents, give them the opportunity to fund the wildlife agencies in their states to kick out the non residents.

I like it as a non resident. The outfitter lobby and those that benefit from the general tourism associated with nonresident hunting and fishing would go to war before that ever happened.

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velvet muley

Jun 22, 2015
I think a big part of what some non residents have a problem with is that the residents of some of the western states don't seem to really appreciate what they have. We pay more for an opportunity to sit on a corn field and wait for a white tail than you do to go roam the beautiful mountains for elk and mulies. Meanwhile, it seems like a lot of the residents that respond to threads like these act like they have some sort of right to do this and only have to pay what it costs to get a meal out for one person. If you kept in mind what value you are getting for that small price tag that you pay as residents, I think it would be a little easier pill for some of the non residents to swallow.
And the response that, "If you don't like it move out here" isn't really practical a lot of the time.
That's an interesting perspective you have. Literally everyone I know that lives here loves this state and the opportunity we have for all outdoor recreation. That is why we CHOOSE to live here, it sure as hell isn't because of the low Salary/Hourly wages across the state! It is because the quality of life that we and our family have everyday.

This whole thought that some non residents have, that they should be able live in a state where they prioritize finances over quality of life and expect to recreate in other states for similar costs of the residents is ludicrous.

You said that it's not practical to move to a state for essentially "quality of life" is just another way of saying its not a priority for you, but still want to have input on how other states should run their business.

At some point people have to come to the reality that everyone has a choice and you have to accept the positives and negatives that choice comes with.
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Dec 8, 2022
Montanans have fought resident fee increases tooth and nail for decades. Frankly, I’m past the point of caring. MT residents as a whole have clearly shown over the years how much they are willing to pay for their wildlife resources.

The pigeons will come home to roost when the money buying the out of state governor wants more hunting benefits. It’s sad to watch. Enjoy those cheap elk tags. More bulls for billionaires, coming soon to a hunt district near you.
This is depressingly true, but nothing, least of all increased resident license/permit prices, appears likely to prevent it.


Jun 22, 2020
I wish they would just cut the amount of tags by 50%. Of course it’s not about the animals, it’s about money.
That last sentence is my key and often overlooked in these discussions.

With all these increasing prices how many states are seeing better access, increasing herd numbers, better quality animals, etc?

Seems to me a raise in fee’s should come with the expectation of a better product but with hunting it’s opposite most of the time. Where is all this money going? Instead of bitching about nr’s needing to pay more maybe we should turn that attitude to our f&g to use the money they already have better.

To ask for more $$ and not get anything out of it is ridiculous. Although we are talking the govt so it seems par for the course. Keep the r vs nr fight going while the $$ goes poof and responsibilities of f&g gets overlooked. Sound familiar?

The Guide

Aug 20, 2023
I tried to search city’s with sales tax and didn’t get much. None came up. I was curious if it’s 1% or 50%. I’ve bought multiple new guns when driving through Montana because of the lack of sales tax. In fact I’m always surprised when I grab a snack or drink at a convenience store it’s exactly the same as the listed price.

How many city’s have sales tax in Montana?

Resort fees aren’t sales tax imo. In yours they obviously are.



Jun 22, 2020
I think the rub MOST nonresidents have is not massive disparity between resident and nonresident fees. The issue is WHY the increase? What is the government actually going to do with it? Is it going to make anyone’s hunting any better or will it just further perpetuate a bureaucratic machine?

Nonresidents will still be anti christ and most elk in Montana will still live on private.

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👆, exactly.


Jun 22, 2020
The way one needs to look at this is, if you live in Ohio and want to hunt in Montana you would want to calculate the cost of all your expensive less the cost of your license. If you come up with a cost of $1200 for gas, hotels, if not camping, food and drink, plus the cost of all the new gear you will purchase prior to the trip, processing $ if not doing your own processing. Now add the additional $85. Will that be enough to keep you from going? Not me.
With all due respect, this conversation shouldn’t be about an $85 increase making or breaking a hunt.

It’s should be about increasing money for what reason….simple greed?

Too often we are ok with some other group getting charged more and not questioning why. There’s a reason we are 36 trillion in debt….we are getting too comfortable with increasing fees by our govt with no accountability to where that money goes, or seeing a benefit for the increase.


Nov 6, 2013
Freeloaders eh? The people living every day of the year, paying property taxes, income taxes, vehicle registration, sales tax etc are the freeloaders? The people filling their freezers because living costs are out of control, being driven up by a bunch of out of state Yellowstone wannabe yahoos?

I hope MT charges non-res hunters through the nose just for attitudes like this. And I hope Idaho follows suit. Wanna waltz in, shoot a trophy and drive home, it should cost you a significant chunk of change.

Good thing I don’t spend a shitload of money in the local economy every travel hunt.


Mar 2, 2012
North Central Wi
That's an interesting perspective you have. Literally everyone I know that lives here loves this state and the opportunity we have for all outdoor recreation. That is why we CHOOSE to live here, it sure as hell isn't because of the low Salary/Hourly wages across the state! It is because the quality of life that we and our family have everyday.

This whole thought that some non residents have, that they should be able live in a state where they prioritize finances over quality of life and expect to recreate in other states for similar costs of the residents is ludicrous.

You said that it's not practical to move to a state for essentially "quality of life" is just another way of saying its not a priority for you, but still want to have input on how other states should run their business.

At some point people have to come to the reality that everyone has a choice and you have to accept the positives and negatives that choice comes with.

Maybe easier said than done now a days. People are coming the opposite way now, working class jobs did not cut it in some of the western states with the boom of city money flooding the areas.

While hunting is very important for a lot of us, for most people family is right up there too.

Pompous attitudes of screw you try harder makes nothing better, that pertains to both sides of these arguments.


Nov 6, 2013
The point still stands.

An asshole resident from Idaho, how cliche..

I live in Idaho, I’ve never dealt with resident hunters that are more entitled dicks than the ones I’ve had bad interactions with since I moved here.

It’s always someone else’s fault and we should make all the cuts to help the population that won’t affect me.

100.00 for a license isn’t a big deal.

velvet muley

Jun 22, 2015
Maybe easier said than done now a days. People are coming the opposite way now, working class jobs did not cut it in some of the western states with the boom of city money flooding the areas.

While hunting is very important for a lot of us, for most people family is right up there too.

Pompous attitudes of screw you try harder makes nothing better, that pertains to both sides of these arguments.
That is my whole point, it's not just about hunting, it's about the quality of life that comes with living in a state like Montana for the entire family.

I'm not saying screw anyone, what I'm saying is, some people may choose to have big houses, new vehicles and what I would consider materialistic items and that is okay. Others choose to live in certain places that has activities that is important to a family that creates lasting memories and a tight family dynamic for generations and that's okay too.

There are certain sacrifices that some people are willing to make because that's what is important to them and other won't because of their priorities. Again, nothing wrong with either but at the end of the day stand by your decisions and be happy with the positives and negatives that come with that.


Jun 30, 2020
All Govt. agencies are going to do as they see fit, from your local town, up to the US congress and senate. All we can do is try to change things by casting our votes. Then when we get who we want in office, he for she has to try and make deals with the other side if the isle to get some of what they want, but in doing so they have to give up a lot of what we put them in office for.


Aug 20, 2014
I think a big part of what some non residents have a problem with is that the residents of some of the western states don't seem to really appreciate what they have. We pay more for an opportunity to sit on a corn field and wait for a white tail than you do to go roam the beautiful mountains for elk and mulies. Meanwhile, it seems like a lot of the residents that respond to threads like these act like they have some sort of right to do this and only have to pay what it costs to get a meal out for one person. If you kept in mind what value you are getting for that small price tag that you pay as residents, I think it would be a little easier pill for some of the non residents to swallow.
And the response that, "If you don't like it move out here" isn't really practical a lot of the time.
Interesting. What is your intended outcome with this comment? My post was to acknowledge as a resident, we could and likely should pay more, while trying to consider what other possibilities are out there for legislature directed changes in management policy.

I certainly don’t think anyone thinking critically on the subject feels like they are speaking for everyone - I read nonsense from both residents and nonresidents. Each state has a bit of a different approach on dealing with resident vs nonresident access to hunting. Your perspective makes it sound as if there’s some sort of required “rebalance” needed based in your perceived fairness, and there’s almost a tone of what nonresidents are “owed.” Personally, I’d expect the opportunity to license and recreate in another State to cost me more, or be limited in some fashion, because I am a guest there. How much is “fair” is obviously up for debate. I would prefer the gap be closer than it is in Montana. But that’s my personal view, and there’s a lot of considerations.

I’ve specifically lived in MO, PA, CO, and OH. I’m abundantly aware of the free space, open public lands, and how little national forest, BLM, etc there are in a lot of places. It’s really hard to cope with when you’re used to being able to hit the mountains and roam freely. I do not care much for being lectured on appreciating what I have, but I think you’re stating or meaning that attitude more generally comes across in these discussions.

I’m not sure about “act like they have some sort of right to do this” or needing to keep anything in mind. I damn well think everyone has a right to hunt and fish and access to this should not be exclusive to income segments. How much opportunity there is certainly is limited by where you live your life. I think others should be able to enjoy the wide open west. That has to be managed in some way - and currently that way is somewhat skewed in my home state.

I also don’t follow the comment on moving. Yes, it isn’t practical for all but it solves some issues too. Moving is required to gain resident privileges, period. I returned to MT for specific reasons, some of which are being outside. Being a resident does not mean I automatically turn blinders onto “how good I have it” and instantly tell every non-resident “too bad, I live here” in response to these discussions. It DOES mean I have a responsibility to hold elected officials accountable and communicate my feelings on matters where they step into this management topic.

velvet muley

Jun 22, 2015
Well, I'd love to stick around but I have to start my year right and go kill my 3rd elk for the season.


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The Guide

Aug 20, 2023
Well, I'd love to stick around but I have to start my year right and go kill my 3rd elk for the season.
Where ya heading? That 24 inches of snow and this below zero weather in central Montana should have the elk down in the hay fields on private. Make meat while you can.
