This is correct for most. I quit buying WY moose points after investing in 12 years of points, letting them expire. I won’t ever invest in another western state for long term hunting again because of it. Will just save longer and go to Canada or
Alaska for these dream hunts if I can. After I burn my elk points accumulated in 3 states I’ll be changing that strategy also, likely eliminating two of those states entirely. Have considered applying in MT for years but the combo price has always seemed too high, so likely never will hunt there. I love spending my vacation time chasing elk but there’s a limit for what I’m willing to pay to do it. It’s really hard work with low success %. Eventually guys just decide to spend that time and $ elsewhere. You think you can triple tag costs for NR and still sell out? I disagree. You will get a new class of hunters, only the wealthy. Despite what you think all NRs aren’t rich and save up to make western hunts happen.
I know the res of these states love these stories for the short term, but long term after you’ve run off the regular blue collar DIY hunters you are only left with the rich entitled crowd….but maybe that’s the end goal. If you’re going to have NRs come ruin your hunts then they might as well be rich and hopefully spend lots of $ in town and book those private ranch hunts. Or
maybe they’ll just buy the damn ranch and pay you to mow the grass or something.