*Montana NR Tags - Pot being stirred by FWP*

I can understand a system that offers landowners tags, but affording outfitted hunters more access to public land hunting than DIYers is wrong.

With the max PP still capped at 3 and outfitted hunters being able to buy two PPs per year, you have to imagine that next year there is absolutely no reason for a DIYer to buy a PP going into the draw it they don't already have 2pts. The 25% zero PP draw allocation is basically now the unofficial DIY tag pool. That's a serious middle finger to DIYers.... oh and PPs are now $100 a piece lol.

"Rep. Marilyn Marler, D-Missoula, felt too many things were added at the last minute that skirted the public process. Describing the amendment as “socialism,” she said she was “surprised to hear (from Republicans) that it’s government’s job to guarantee that a business is profitable based on a public resource.”" 💀💀
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WTF? The state of Montana has sent me, as a nonresident DIY hunter, a crystal clear message this year-- "F you! We don't give two shits about you or the quality of hunt you have in our state. In fact, if you're not going to hire an outfitter, we simply don't give two shits about you at all".

Are these 3K additional tags general licenses and will the people who hold them will be in general units on public ground? If yes, I was hit with a clear bait and switch. They should offer those of us who who they are screwing a full refund. What a total pile of shit.

Happy birthday to me! I thought MT was done Fing over DIY NRs this year, but instead I get this little gift.
It's not the state, it's a select few Republican legislators and our newly minted Republican Governor. Focus your hate where it is deserved.
It's not the state, it's a select few Republican legislators and our newly minted Republican Governor. Focus your hate where it is deserved.
Remove "Republican" Insert "ALL POLITICIANS". Public office used to be viewed as a service. Now it is just another career path. One that attracts the slimiest, least principled, most self serving applicants that you can find. I believe that they are mostly composed of people who were rejected from law school because they were too crooked.
Remove "Republican" Insert "ALL POLITICIANS". Public office used to be viewed as a service. Now it is just another career path. One that attracts the slimiest, least principled, most self serving applicants that you can find. I believe that they are mostly composed of people who were rejected from law school because they were too crooked.
There is absolute truth in your statements, just in this instance they happen to be Republican by party.
Haven't done any research on this. assume it would only be applicable to Outfitters that have a contract with a NR to guide in general areas vs. permit or LE area?
Did I miss the part where someone who was drawn had their tag taken away and given to someone else amid all the wailing and gnashing of teeth?
Nope just the part where the people that didn’t spend the money on a outfitter are being discriminated against

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Did I miss the part where someone who was drawn had their tag taken away and given to someone else amid all the wailing and gnashing of teeth?
Are you serious?

The general tags are acquired via lottery and the folks who get them do so with the understanding that x number of tag holders will have access to y number of public acres. This gives the tag holder a feel for how much pressure he will deal with. Not only does this bill screw with that proportion (it's now x+3000/y) but it does so in a bullshit way. It's obviously giving tags to people with more means and it's welfare to the outfitters.

If people can't see how those who cast votes are fluffing the balls of the outfitters in Montana, then they are blind. ... and it's not just this BS bill. The end result is that those who drew general tags by applying are getting dumped on with additional pressure from people who didn't have to go through the same process. And those who didn't go through that same process are very likely more affluent folks who could afford an outfitter. The rich are gifted tags they don't deserve and the outfitters, who are obviously in bed with the politicians, benefit.
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Terrible that something like this would happen after the draw. Hunters make decisions based on what they know and can generally assume about a hunt. Not fair to those already playing the game to change the rules.

I do think it’s unfair to classify all those using a outfitter as wealthy or rich. That’s simply not true and divisive to hunters. Signing a contract with an outfitter doesn’t make a guy to blame for bad legislation.

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i agree with most in this thread....this deal is wrong.

another thought in my mind...more tags issued this year, likely means fewer tags next year if the take ends up being higher than originally planned for
Nope just the part where the people that didn’t spend the money on a outfitter are being discriminated against

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Montana is joining all the other states that discriminate against non res diy hunters.
NM, NV, WY, AK, ID, etc.

I always read how one state is doing something to get in line with the others as a way to justify crappy changes. Seems like MT is just joining the ranks.
i agree with most in this thread....this deal is wrong.

another thought in my mind...more tags issued this year, likely means fewer tags next year if the take ends up being higher than originally planned for

That's not how FWP manages.
Wonder what the extent of an outfitter is. Can somebody just have a contract for a ride in and still fall in this category? Do the clients buy the tag from the outfitter? Does the outfitter get tags after submitting contacts?
Seems like an outfitter could abuse this pretty easily if there’s no guiding/hand holding requirement. Just draw up a bunch of contracts with folks who didn’t draw for transport or meat packing and then get a bunch of new “clients.”
Anything and everything that is “covid relief” is so stupid. Just more free handouts that we will have to pay for one way or another eventually.
FWP did not pass this bill last minute. The legislature passed this bill last minute. FWP has little control over the number of big game licenses, the legislature controls it. Stop blaming FWP for being directed by the legislature to make changes that they cannot stop.

It sucks, I emailed everyone that I could to bitch about it last week when they (the legislature) slipped it in there last minute. It was posted a couple times in the Conservation Forum where multiple updates have been posted warning folks of what was coming. I don't like it but it's standard operating procedure for every legislature, slide revisions into bills that are on their way to passing already in the last days of the legislative session without much input after the original bill was shot down. Every state does this crap, Montana is just one that has a resource that a lot of folks want a part of. Illinois does it with their whitetail tags, at least they did when I lived there. The residents would raise hell and the nonresidents cheered because archery tags were basically unlimited. They didn't however cheer for the price tag.

If you are convinced that your hunt is now ruined, you can turn your tag in, there's a line of folks who want it and the legislators know it.
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