Montana draw results

Hard to say. If his buddy said apply here and he did I wouldn't doubt it.

My tale of woe this year involves withdrawing my Wyoming app due to school stuff. These threads make me feel like part of a team. Team Fail. Or something. 😀
LOL. Following along with the Montana draw is a yearly trainwreck witnessing.

Hunttalk has a guy who drew a tag and didn't even know what it was for.

He might not know what it is for, but he has a RANCH in SOUTH TEXAS so fellas should help him with the elks and deer and he might invite you down. No charge for VETERANS. 😁
Hopefully everyone who didn't draw is checking into leftovers and the alternate list. I know last year there were a good number of tag turned back in. Definitely worth looking into if you want to hunt MT this fall. Good luck to everyone.
Wow I can't believe that the 75/25 is the case. I couldn't find that anywhere else in the regs, that's complete BS.

I am still not convinced that applicants who didn't get a tag with pp's didn't have a chance at the 25% of random draw. That is how every other state I am aware of works. It might just be poor wording on their part, or it might be that messed up.

But what's the big deal in clarifying? It's not like people are spending tens of millions of dollars on the tags. Oh wait, I guess we are. :rolleyes:
when did they have to actually start drawing again? I remember when they upped the NR price to ~$900 for a few years they had surplus
I am still not convinced that applicants who didn't get a tag with pp's didn't have a chance at the 25% of random draw. That is how every other state I am aware of works. It might just be poor wording on their part, or it might be that messed up.

But what's the big deal in clarifying? It's not like people are spending tens of millions of dollars on the tags. Oh wait, I guess we are. :rolleyes:
I confirmed with Montana G&F today. 25% of the tags are allocated to people with 0 points. It is NOT a random pool for everyone. So everyone that has a PP only has a chance at 75% of the total tags available. What a bunch of BS if you ask me!
I confirmed with Montana G&F today. 25% of the tags are allocated to people with 0 points. It is NOT a random pool for everyone. So everyone that has a PP only has a chance at 75% of the total tags available. What a bunch of BS if you ask me!
No way? I believe you, but I don’t believe that crap!! That is the new leader in the club house for dumbest tag drawing program.
There was a thread on HT before the drawing that had a link to another pdf than the above ones, that spelled it out better. 75% to point holders 25% to non point holders. Of interest if you have points you have to use them, so you're locked into the 75% pool. Which is why I said earlier that for those that drew this year do you buy a point when applying next year or not. Also of note you need to apply every other year or you lose your points. So no banking points either. Pretty crazy how convoluted MT's nr draw is.

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Some friends and I drew the big game combo this year with no point, can’t wait to hunt this state. Sorry to those who didn’t get a tag and good luck to those who did.
There was a thread on HT before the drawing that had a link to another pdf than the above ones, that spelled it out better. 75% to point holders 25% to non point holders. Of interest if you have points you have to use them, so you're locked into the 75% pool. Which is why I said earlier that for those that drew this year do you buy a point when applying next year or not. Also of note you need to apply every other year or you lose your points. So no banking points either. Pretty crazy how convoluted MT's nr draw is.

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Do you happen to have a link into Montana fish and game for the draw regs?
Lif, I don't. What I posted above is from memory from about 3-4 different sources, links, screenshots, etc. I just briefly tried looking on MT FWP website and found some but not all of that info. Another problem is I think they send out a summerized booklet for the NR draw to previous applicants. I'm not sure if that's available online. I'm also not confident that anyone at FWP even 100% understands their own draw, which leads to all the different little and sometimes incorrect snippets in their own publications.
LOL. I can't find it. Montana has the most fubar system of all the states.

Granted, most game and fish employees don't understand their draw system, but they should at least have the information available for those who are applying.
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Ya, I got that far.

I was talking about a breakdown of the draw. I have no doubt if I committed enough time I could, but it really shouldn't be that hard.

I downloaded a bunch of stuff that I thought would tell me. No luck.