Montana draw results

I am not sure if its a racket, but a way to combat point creep and keep new hunters or those hunters who have not point banked the opportunity to hunt MT. I personally prefer this to some of the other systems whereas if you didn't begin to buy points several years ago it is becoming much harder to draw general tags. Look at Wyoming, not too long ago a general elk tag was a given with zero points, and if current draw stats continue you will most likely need 3 points to draw a general tag.

Yes MT is confusing and is certainly not perfect, but then again no State has a perfect system and consistently has to react to increasing hunter demand.

By only allowing people with no points in the other 25% pool you further perpetuate the point creep. You alienate people in the middle. Which will get you to people with either no points or max points drawing every year. Anyone in the middle gets screwed.

They tried to make a preference system “fairer” like a bonus system. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.

Straight bonus points with no squaring would be the fairest way to keep everyone in the general tag game. For every point your name goes in once. Simple as that.

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Montana nr gen tags are a messed up cluster. Buts it not as hard to understand as some are making it out to be. Like a preference point just gets you another name in the hat? Seriously?

For those that drew this year, next year will be even better trying to decide whether to apply with a preference point or not.

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I am not sure if its a racket, but a way to combat point creep and keep new hunters or those hunters who have not point banked the opportunity to hunt MT. I personally prefer this to some of the other systems whereas if you didn't begin to buy points several years ago it is becoming much harder to draw general tags. Look at Wyoming, not too long ago a general elk tag was a given with zero points, and if current draw stats continue you will most likely need 3 points to draw a general tag.

Yes MT is confusing and is certainly not perfect, but then again no State has a perfect system and consistently has to react to increasing hunter demand.

I see what you're saying and maybe racket isn't the best term but it is kind of convoluted. There are a number of ways to look at it I'd have to chew on it for a while to really have a solid stance. That said, the more I think about the 75/25 preference for General tags in combination with a bonus point system for LE tags, it does seems like a good way to offer a wide range of opportunity and quality. I am a fan of WY's system but as time goes on it will become increasingly difficult to get WY tags.
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So does anyone know then what did happen this year? I thought it was pure preference point, 100%, not bonus, which is why I had 2 points ready. Where does it say anywhere on MT website that this wasn't 100% preference? This is a preference point system which is why I did what I did. I drew a tag but man, I'm just pissed now because the system I bought into was false if everything I'm reading is correct.
75% of the NR combo licenses were issued to applicants with preference points, and 25% were issued to applicants who did not have any preference points. So technically you may have had a better chance at drawing with zero points vs. one point (depending on number/ percentage of applicants with 1 point).

Where did you read this then from MT FWP?
Where did you read this then from MT FWP?


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So does anyone know then what did happen this year? I thought it was pure preference point, 100%, not bonus, which is why I had 2 points ready. Where does it say anywhere on MT website that this wasn't 100% preference? This is a preference point system which is why I did what I did. I drew a tag but man, I'm just pissed now because the system I bought into was false if everything I'm reading is correct.

NR general tags are a hybrid preference point and limited entry permits are solely on a squared+1 bonus point draw.

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I like the results of this system. I applied for preference points along with my son for 2 years, including this year. So with 2 preference points (just $100 extra) each, we drew a Combo Deer Tag this year. We had to wait 1 year, and now we have a general tag and can explore most anywhere we want for deer. That doesn't seem bad.

As a prior Washington resident, I applied for 5-10 years for all kinds of tags, and drew nothing...except every other year I could draw (along with paying an extra $140 as a resident) the privilege of hunting rifle and archery season for one species during the same year.

I love Montana.
My group bought pp's and also did NOT draw a big game combo. Really bummed out.

I always assumed the pp holders that didn't draw also had a chance at those 25% of tags that go randomly. If we didn't that is ridiculous. Can anyone verify that is the case?
BS. They already charge NR almost 30x the resident rate. You seriously want to pay $1500 for a general tag? Have at it.
Agreed F that. Maybe start charging the residents more than $50 for a elk and deer tag? Even here in ND we pay more for our own damn tags.
I’m hoping there is a mistake here by us, and that the 25% non preference point draw is random for all and not just zero point holders.
75/25 split. People that have waited for a year should have had better odds than those who didn't period.

This is not really accurate. Success in 2018 for those holding 1 PP for both Big Game & Elk Combo was 100%, so those holding 1 PP this year either did not apply for the draw last year, purchased one at the time of 2019 application. or purchased a point in during the summer. No one holding one point got screwed, its just how the system works.

If you did not hunt or apply last year and but purchased a PP and then also purchased a PP this year at application you would have had 2 points and a guaranteed tag.
This is not really accurate. Success in 2018 for those holding 1 PP for both Big Game & Elk Combo was 100%, so those holding 1 PP this year either did not apply for the draw last year, purchased one at the time of 2019 application. or purchased a point in during the summer. No one holding one point got screwed, its just how the system works.

If you did not hunt or apply last year and but purchased a PP and then also purchased a PP this year at application you would have had 2 points and a guaranteed tag.
Yes but people like myself didn't purchase a point going into this year because we thought it would be 100% and a waste of $50. Hindsight sucks but it made sense at the time.

Regardless of my situation if that is the case and they give 25% of the tags to people with 0 points, F that!

I also completely disagree with the notion of buying a point at the application, makes zero sense outside of getting more money for G&F. Like every other state you should buy a point outright and not apply or after not drawing be awarded a point.
LOL. Following along with the Montana draw is a yearly trainwreck witnessing.

Hunttalk has a guy who drew a tag and didn't even know what it was for.
I saw that, THAT CANNOT be real lol dude drew an archery only permit (only shoots a crossbow?) and had no idea where he can hunt and no one else drew in his group.