Ok thats good to know I was trying to figure out how the ods were calculated was all.30k foot view...
Deer combo = Deer ONLY
Elk Combo = Elk ONLY
Big Game Combo = Deer AND Elk
All combination (aka combo) licenses include a season fishing license and upland bird license.
Montana put the big game combo and elk combo draw stats together. I don't know why, expect to cause additional Rokslide posts.
So if I am understanding that correctly, you are taking an allocation from both a deer and elk tag which makes sense. And sunset the odds are lowest on the elk tag that would also make sense that it’s matching the elk tag odds.My understanding with the big game combo was if your number came up and that was your selection a deer tag came out of the non resident allocation to go with the elk tag thereby depleting the nonresident deer pool by 1 . Can anyone confirm that or am I making it up?