I was in there last weekend scouting... already blinds on many of the ponds that you can see from the road. There will be camps and people everywhere from the 3rd till the season is over. Even though it is limited quota there are still 1900 archery either sex tags for the south area alone. Don't worry too much about it... there are TONS of elk and if you work hard you will get in them.
Few tips....
The mud is real. Please, do not take it for granted. I grew up in wyoming thinking i knew what bad mud was... i knew nothing. I have seem multiple people stranded, stuck, and burn up engines and transmissions. Get chains, make sure they fit, being shovels... and get the hell out if it rains. I have had to leave my camper in there because i couldnt get it out for the last 2 years. It does not take much... supposed to be a huge storm moving in this week that will saturate the ground. There were already puddles in the roads last weekend, once the ground is wet... a few drops can make it impassable.
Leave the calls in camp... seriously, even spikes and raghorns will turn tail at cow calls. A fog horn would be more effective than a hoochie mama.
Bug spray, treatments, and netting is a must.
Bring water, its hot and dry. That said, there are ponds everywhere so pretty much anywhere out there will hold game.
Dont listen to what people say.... they are NOT just down in the river, the rut is NOT late, the big bulls are NOT all dead... I have heard it all from guys that refuse to get off the road and actually hunt.
Dont listen when guys tell you where and where not they have been seeing game... its all a lie hahahahahaha
If you run into a red f250 with a big black bumper stop and say hello, I'll tell you where ive been seeing game