I'm looking for cartridge suggestions for a mild recoiling 7mm (preferably). I've used a 7 mag for a few years, but I'm looking to change for the following reasons:
- Recoil, the recoil of my 7 mag with a suppressor isn't that bad, but I do recognize the benefits of lighter recoil. It's difficult to spot shots. I also have a 6.5 CM that I definitely shoot better, and the only real difference between those two rifles, both Tikkas, is the cartridge.
- I want a shorter barrel. I hunt with a suppressor, which gets looong on an already long barrel.
- The heat produced by the magnum cartridge makes practicing more difficult. I can get 3 shots down range before I start getting fliers due to heat.
- I kind of just want something new.
What I'm looking for:
- Effective on elk sized game out to 650 yards.
- Works well in a 20 inch barrel.
- Recoils less than a 7 mag.
- The less gunsmithing required the better outside of installing a new barrel.
- I would prefer a 7mm. I like the BC of 7mms and the weight over smaller calibers.
This all sounds like the description of a 6.5 prc, but I'm just not totally sold on the bullet offerings for the 6.5 prc on elk.
Side note, I don't currently reload, but I would be open to reloading.