Mike Tyson VS Jake Paul

Mike Tyson is an animal. He has been training like a man possessed for months. He's super competitive and I don't think he cares about the money. He wants to win. If there are no stupid rules and Jake Paul actually fights him and doesn't just hang on him to tire him out, I think Tyson will knock him out.
I've never watched any sporting event, start to finish. But I'm going to have to for this.
I have no idea who's going to win, but I really want it to be Tyson.

I would love to see Tyson KO Paul as much as the next guy, and I have no doubt he's in great shape. But father time is a hell of a corner man to beat, and Mike is literally twice Jake's age, fighting a guy whose entire career has consisted of beating washed up fighters old enough to be his dad.

Case in point. When Holyfield tried to come back, coincidentally at the exact same age.

How Jake Paul can fight someone a few years away from drawing social security and think it solidifies his place as a serious boxer is beyond me. The way he has talked and continues to talk about this as though a win would be some unheard of accomplishment that will make him the face of boxing is just shameful.

I know it's all about the controversy...clearly someone who designates themselves "the problem child" and is actively building a career on being unlikeable thinks that any attention is good attention, but part of me wishes no one would give this guy a fight after this. He'd cry about nobody taking him seriously and everyone being scared of him for a while before being forgotten about by anyone that doesn't subscribe to whatever nonsense he posts on YouTube.

I'd like to think I could hit a couple balls off 88 year old Sandy Koufax, especially if I had millions of dollars and endless time to dedicate towards becoming a better hitter, but I don't think it would automatically make me some phenom-prodigy baseball player.
I thought this was gonna be another boring exhibition like the you Jones fight but Mike went into that fight High and Fat. He looked mean and fit at the weigh in, slapped dude for stepping on his toe. I think at worst it will be entertaining and we might get a real fight

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This could get ugly if Tyson doesnt knock him out early, then it's just an old guy getting beat up and it'll be hard to watch.
I would not be surprised if the ref calls it if Mike is getting beat on, even if he doesn't go down. There is a lot of publicity around concerns for Mikes health.
I dont know shit about boxing but I do wonder if Jake lands a solid punch on Mike, will it make Mikes speech better or worse?