$$$ Mid range skull boil kit?


May 6, 2021
1. I bought sov vide you can put in any pot, I like 1000 Watt.
2. Put head in pot, cover to antlers, put degreaser in (soap, borax, etc), set Sov Vide.
3. Set Sou vide to 140F for 24 hrs, make sure the water doesn't go below the intake.
4. After first cook, use a hose to wash off.
5. Set second cook for 150F, 8-12 hrs. Wash off second time.
6. Final cook at 150 for 4-12 hrs (depending on how much is left). Wash off.

At this point it should be as clean as it will ever get. I like to use a combo of high pressure wash for the outside of the skull and low pressure for the inside (nasal passage, etc). This preserves all those cool structures. You will prob need to do some fine tuning with the temps to get the results you want. You could do the whole thing at 130-140F, it will just take longer.

Finally, try to remove as much meat etc from the skull before cooking, this will make the process faster. I've done everything from antelope to big bull elk with this process.
No issues at all with debris clogging up the Sous vide machine, huh? How many times have you done this with the same machine? Definitely like the set and forget benefit of Sous vide, I just assumed it would ruin the machine over time.


Apr 18, 2017
Midland, TX
Turkey burner and whatever pot you can fit the head in and a pressure washer. I like the "tamale" pots from Walmart. I can usually start the whitening process in an hour cooking/pressure washing.

I started using the hydrogen peroxide for pools (GLB brand). It's twice the strength of anything you can buy at the beauty shop. Do not get it on your skin, and it will eventually eat holes in an aluminum pot if you leave it sitting too long.