Rifle cleaning kit

Apr 21, 2024
Like most of us, I imagine, I'm still rocking a rifle cleaning kit from 20+yrs ago that my father gave me. I've replaced pieces here and there, but overall, much to my hesitation, it's time to start looking at something new.

What are y'all using for cleaning kits, sprays, oils, etc...? Anything different than Hoppes or Rem Oil, etc.. the OG stuff? I haven't looked into these items in decades.
Cannot say enough good things about Dewey cleaning rods, well-made and priced. Also, another vote for Boretech, just started using the eliminator and have been very happy for between season cleanings.

For jags, brushes, etc., I've been leaning on Tipton and pro-shot, generally play well with the Dewey rods and are sold locally for me. Oils, kind of agnostic, happy with ballistol on a synthetic rag. Also nice to have a jar of bore paste and some cleaning pellets for getting rid of carbon rings when needed.

Overall, kits are nice, but assembling your own is best. I just get what works for me from whomever makes it, as long as there is compatibility.

Just a note, if you use anything like Boretech that dissolves coppers, be sure to use nylon brushes and nickel coated jags, the brass that is traditionally used can give you a false positive. In addition, anything brass that is used in conjunction with copper solvents, be sure to rinse it thoroughly to stop any reactions.
Bore tech stuff is great. I've converted to thorroclean and have been getting great results so I'm sticking with that for now. Extremely easy and fast.

Get a bore guide, I run the same as mentioned above. The key is a solid carbon guide rod. I like the Tipton brand with the bearings in the handle.
One piece coated rod and a bore guide. Bore tech Eliminator Solvent with Bore tech Proof Positive jags and brushes. If you use brass jags and/or copper brushes, the solvent reacts with them and you will never stop getting blue/green patches.