Michigan Bear UP

Most people think hunting bear over bait is a slam dunk, it is not. My dad drew a WI tag a couple years ago and a neighbor/friend was baiting for him. I went out there to help him. We had 4 different bears on the cameras, one was enormous. He got trigger happy the 4th day and shot the only one we seen, a smallish bear (150-ish). Good thing too. We spent another 6 days at the cabin and not a single bear showed up at the bait station. This was on 400 acres of private.

Start applying and give it another go.
I hunted the Newberry unit for roughly 20 years and can tell you that bear baits can be hot one minute and then run cold. Lots of factors come into play to include running dogs, wolves, wild berry crops and even your own scent. Additionally, you need well established bait sites that are filled daily to every other day otherwise the bears will just move. You do not need much bait out at once (1 gallon or less) but it needs to be consistent and make them work for it with buried pit covered in logs or barrel with a small opening.