So it was brought to my attention that some places will fence off "portions" of the operation to keep animals within the confines and have areas that animals do not go for one reason or another and leave that open. From that they can change the terminology to "free range" as the animals can "theoretically" come and go as they please. I have no personal experience with many operations it mainly guide talk.
My few thoughts on the sheep and fence is this and I appreciate the responses. First it sounds like a management success for the herd. Kudos for all involved. Secondly, its a business game and I get that. You invest in the sheep and have a ranch to sell hunts on. Maybe you have 5000 acres with a couple mountains type terrain on it. At roughly 50K a pop. You don't bait and the animals grew up there. They run from people, use the wind and terrain to their advantage, disappear for the entire season, non genetically modified. Biologist help you manage the herd. You theoretically have no advantage other than the actual border fence. I have no problem doing that hunt, whether they classify that for the slam or not...I don't care personally.
Now I personally would absolutely not shoot a ram that comes to a bait pile in a high fence setup, set in a blind over the only water source, will approach humans, or something of the sorts.
Some operations are free range and will have rams pinned down to a mountain or two that have never left since they were released years or days ago. You drive up, glass them the day after you arrive, spot and stalk, and shoot one.
Other free range areas you may hike miles and miles, set up camp, glass for days on end to find a sheep the last day and make a perfect stalk.
Lots of different scenarios and I guess what makes it all work is that each option is legal to do. You might sign up thinking you're getting one hunt and end up with something completely different. These sites are invaluable for information and references in picking the right hunt. In the end it's the personal hunt experience I think we are mostly shooting for and I think there are options for each in the Mexico Desert Sheep world that would make for a great experience.
Again, my personal opinion.