Icebreaker and Smartwool for me. the hunting brands merino hasn't really impressed me all that much. Icebreaker isn't talked about a ton but it's real high quality stuff. to be honest, since i don't really backpack much anymore i've been migrating a bit more to synthetics for hunting. still seem to like wearing merino in the winter though even if it's just around the property.
I really like the Minus 33 Woolverino in cold weather - I also have some Kuiu, and Costco cheapo for tops. For bottoms I have Northern Playground Ziplongs (zip off).
The Costco cheapo tops are awesome, but I haven't seen them in-store for a while - they have some womens tops that seem like a great deal if somebody didn't care about the gender label...
Minus 33 is my favorite. I’ve tried Smartwool and Ice breaker and they are good too. I imagine there’s not a huge difference between major brands. Hunting brands seem to have a price markup for similar quality stuff.