Satellite Communicator: Garmin Inreach Mini and/or Iphone 14 or Newer
Tourniquet: CAT Tourniquet- ORANGE
Hemostatic Dressing: CELOX packets x3 (I honestly think a quickclot combat gauze would be a better replacemnt for both the celox and the s-gauze)
Skin Glue: Dermabond
ABD Pads (x2)
S-Rolled Gauze
Leuko Tape
a few Miscellaneous Bandaids
Medications: Tylenol,Benadryl, Consider a stronger pain medication
Bug Wipe
all this is a ziplock bag is 7.5oz. I use a ziplock because it is light, waterproof, easy access, and I can see the contents (as can anyone giving me aid)
I sort first aid gear into two categories: 1) make me more comfortable (bandaid, dermabond, leukotape) and 2) get out alive: Celox, tournaqet, abd pads. Everything in the middle where I plan to leave the field but won't kill me in the meantime I don't worry about too much (sprains, moderate cuts, etc)
some way to communicate is going to be the most important thing. No matter what, you are going to need rescue or quick medical attention for lots of possible issues.