you could just buy a pair of MR accessory straps for $18 on their website and just leave them hooked on the frame then use them when you need themThis question ties into a predicament I'm having in choosing between a MR Beartooth and a Exo 4800. I'm planning a hunt where spike camps and overnights are likely. So that means if I'm lucky enough to get a deer, I'll be packing a significant amount of gear AND meat. I had my heart set on a mystery ranch Beartooth. I got hung up on one detail: There are no dedicated load straps on the frame. So that means my gear and load of meat are all cinched down by the same straps. The contents of the bag are under the same compression needed to hold the meat secure. Is that ideal? Packs like the Exo K3 4800 have straps ON frame. Meat is held in place independently from your gear.