- Joined
- May 8, 2014
Ive owned most brands of packs other than Stone Glacier and Kuiu. I currently own MR crew cab, Exo 3500, a Kifaru Hunting Frame and the Seek Outside Peregrine.
From what you said, you are very similar to me, the Exo is awesome with light loads but can have belt slip under heavier loads, and the Kifaru belt is superior for heavier loads but it’s like walking with an ironing board strapped to your back with light loads.
I’d recommend Maybe try the Seek Outside Revolution, in my opinion it has the lateral movement of the Exo but the belt system seems to hold as well as the Kifaru belt, but because there are two buckles you don’t have to yank it on so tight and you don’t feel like the Michelin man. I was a bit scep of the two buckles because I thought it would be a hassle but the comfort is extraordinary.
Im still keen on checking out a MR Pop up for day hunts due to the fold down frame (might wait for a larger capacity pop up though), having said that, I can HEARTILY recommend the Seek Outside Revolution Frame and suspension, in my experience it takes the best qualities of the Exo (lateral flexing) and Kifaru frame system (sturdy under loads), if you can find someone nearby that owns one you might be very surprised.
Sounds pretty close to right. I don't have to much complaint about the Exo with heavy loads but I do feel like I carry a bit more on my shoulders than with the Kifaru. I think I'm used to that though so it doesn't bother me. My predator hunting Eberlestock Team Elk I removed the hip belt on. I use a FoxPro Prairie Blaster 3 with a really heavy battery so my predator pack weighs close to 40lbs with the AR in it. Without the hip belt on that pack I carry the most I'm used to packing weight on my shoulders. I'm packing to much weight around my belly too so most hip belts aren't perfect for me.
My buddy I hunt with is looking at replacing his Eberlestock Mainframe with the Seek Revolution. I'll have a chance to try one probably before to long.