Meat Eater


Jan 3, 2021
Im ok with them putting the brand on whatever they want as long as the show and podcast dont seem the change. Lets hope they stay consistent


Jul 6, 2018
First of all I’m willing to admit when I’m wrong but from all the digging I’ve done on this whole meat eater sellout thing this is what I’ve found in overwhelming fashion. This Peter Chernin guy that bought controlling interest is a left winger, anti 2a, anti predator hunting, hollywood goon. I’d suggest for everyone to boycott first lite, meat eater and the whole thing. Why am I going to give my money to fund people that stand directly against things I hold dear. Rinella, the talking mustache, and their crew had to know all this, didn’t give a shit and sold out anyhow. I mean for god sakes Chernin donated a shit load of money to our current presidents campaign. That alone makes my stomach hurt. But people look past all that when rinella says that he’s pro 2a. If it were me I’d sink that company into the ground before letting scum into my business. I can do lots of different things to earn a living. Lots of options out there folks, no need to keep funding people that will turn around and use your money against you. That’s all I have 👍🏻


Well Known Rokslider
May 26, 2019
North Idaho
First of all I’m willing to admit when I’m wrong but from all the digging I’ve done on this whole meat eater sellout thing this is what I’ve found in overwhelming fashion. This Peter Chernin guy that bought controlling interest is a left winger, anti 2a, anti predator hunting, hollywood goon. I’d suggest for everyone to boycott first lite, meat eater and the whole thing. Why am I going to give my money to fund people that stand directly against things I hold dear. Rinella, the talking mustache, and their crew had to know all this, didn’t give a shit and sold out anyhow. I mean for god sakes Chernin donated a shit load of money to our current presidents campaign. That alone makes my stomach hurt. But people look past all that when rinella says that he’s pro 2a. If it were me I’d sink that company into the ground before letting scum into my business. I can do lots of different things to earn a living. Lots of options out there folks, no need to keep funding people that will turn around and use your money against you. That’s all I have 👍🏻
I hear this same argument a lot, and I get why its being made to a degree. I am just wondering maybe its possible the Meateater crew and anyone else invloved that is pro all of those things thinks its better to partner with opposing views instead of run from them. Maybe they can influence the Chernin guy to rethink some of his ideas. Why would an anti 2A guy invest in a gun toting business, to burn it into the ground? Would you invest your money into a business model that you hated? I doubt it...Just a thought


Mar 24, 2016
Im ok with them putting the brand on whatever they want as long as the show and podcast dont seem the change. Lets hope they stay consistent

Man, I've been having a really hard time lasting more than half an hour on podcasts recently... just can't get into them at all. Steve'e interrupting has become kind of an annoying shtick and the topics are well, tepid...


Mar 29, 2020
Hell I'm all co fused by it, got it all on Instagram and my lord I think there's 438 things Meateater related. I can't really knock em for cashing in while the getting good, I mean he'll all of us want to win the lottery. He still has great content, and I think he's about the only one I've enjoyed watching cook aside from my mom, rest her soul!! I wish there were some changes, and less commercialization, and we can all say we wouldn't sell out or whatnot, but really, when was the last time any of us said naww, I don't need a raise this year boss...Can't knock em for turning his love into a paying gig..a really good paying gig.


Mar 29, 2020
Man, I've been having a really hard time lasting more than half an hour on podcasts recently... just can't get into them at all. Steve'e interrupting has become kind of an annoying shtick and the topics are well, tepid...
never tried the podcasts for em, ive barely.delved into podcasts on anything, a couple of times for team roping I guess.


Mar 29, 2020
I think Rinella is great for pro hunting, he is very well spoken and has great ethics. He isn't the bad ass backcountry guy but that's not what we need in the limelight with the non hunting world. I am glad he is out there.
I completely agree. he's very logical, and ethical, and well versed, and a fantastic representative.
Mar 26, 2017
First of all I’m willing to admit when I’m wrong but from all the digging I’ve done on this whole meat eater sellout thing this is what I’ve found in overwhelming fashion. This Peter Chernin guy that bought controlling interest is a left winger, anti 2a, anti predator hunting, hollywood goon. I’d suggest for everyone to boycott first lite, meat eater and the whole thing. Why am I going to give my money to fund people that stand directly against things I hold dear. Rinella, the talking mustache, and their crew had to know all this, didn’t give a shit and sold out anyhow. I mean for god sakes Chernin donated a shit load of money to our current presidents campaign. That alone makes my stomach hurt. But people look past all that when rinella says that he’s pro 2a. If it were me I’d sink that company into the ground before letting scum into my business. I can do lots of different things to earn a living. Lots of options out there folks, no need to keep funding people that will turn around and use your money against you. That’s all I have 👍🏻
This has made me rethink it a lot too. I really enjoy the content. But I can't get myself to buy first lite anymore. Shame too because their merino is amazing.


Dec 8, 2018
I hear this same argument a lot, and I get why its being made to a degree. I am just wondering maybe its possible the Meateater crew and anyone else invloved that is pro all of those things thinks its better to partner with opposing views instead of run from them. Maybe they can influence the Chernin guy to rethink some of his ideas. Why would an anti 2A guy invest in a gun toting business, to burn it into the ground? Would you invest your money into a business model that you hated? I doubt it...Just a thought
why would Rinella have Charles post on 2 times and praise him. The same Charles post who made an anti gun video with the multi millionaire thom shoes owner calling for a ban on firearms? They both help shut down the WY and MT grizzly bear season too. those are just facts.

Rinella's doing it for the money



Dec 8, 2018
I hear this same argument a lot, and I get why its being made to a degree. I am just wondering maybe its possible the Meateater crew and anyone else invloved that is pro all of those things thinks its better to partner with opposing views instead of run from them. Maybe they can influence the Chernin guy to rethink some of his ideas. Why would an anti 2A guy invest in a gun toting business, to burn it into the ground? Would you invest your money into a business model that you hated? I doubt it...Just a thought


Jun 14, 2020
San Diego, CA
Honestly I do believe he is helping to protect our least making it acceptable by some on the far left. I have acquittances who are 100% 'feel the bern' type people who somehow on board with keeping hunting purely because of Rinella.

His content is not meant for the serious hunter, but really to expose city folk to joy and challenges of hunting (and importance!). Yes this means more people trying to hunt / less tags available but it also means hunting is a higher priority as a nation. Pick your poison.


Jul 6, 2018
I hear this same argument a lot, and I get why its being made to a degree. I am just wondering maybe its possible the Meateater crew and anyone else invloved that is pro all of those things thinks its better to partner with opposing views instead of run from them. Maybe they can influence the Chernin guy to rethink some of his ideas. Why would an anti 2A guy invest in a gun toting business, to burn it into the ground? Would you invest your money into a business model that you hated? I doubt it...Just a thought
I wouldn’t personally, I have morals though and can’t be bought. That guy sold his soul a long time ago and is clearly all about the bottom line of the dollar. I try not to rationalize things that pertain to the constitution. The facts are the facts and when you stand against things that are important to me I wouldn’t give a penny to you. Especially at such critical times.
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Apr 5, 2015
In a bit of mild irony, rinella talked about the lack of nuance in public discord and how people were unaccepting of anyone who didn’t fully support their position on certain issues on the latest podcast.

Chernin is a media investor. In Hollywood writ large being woke and left leaning is damn near a requirement. Very few people get by without supporting that prevailing political view. They all say how against guns they are, meanwhile they hire Ex massad and navy seals to walk around their mansions like guard dogs in suits with guns and keep guns in several rooms of their house (looking at you Bill Mahr).

Rinella is a country boy from Michigan that grew up and makes his living hunting. He actually doesn’t strike me as a gun nut. He has spoken about lack of knowledge of ARs. Can’t remember him talking about or carrying a pistol. Shotgunning and long range shooting training seem novel to him. But...just because he doesn’t pound the NRA drum at every opportunity doesn’t mean he or his company are anti gun. Maybe they have made a considered decision to tone down the pro gun messaging simply to attract a wider, partly left leaning audience.

Another thing to keep in mind is the NRA isn’t doing a fantastic job of PR these days. Leadership seems to be skimming more off the top than I would like to see - salaries, travel, wardrobe expenses - and they let themselves get bushwhacked by the NY AG among other missteps. Maybe keeping some distance from that shit show isn’t a bad idea.

Coming back to meateater, from my perspective, not everyone needs to be growling “from my cold dead hands” in their best Charleton Heston impression, every time they get in front of a camera or on a mic. There are more subtle ways to show support. Like presenting hunting and gun use and ownership in a responsible and positive manner.

BTW - I am a bit of a gun nut and a life endowment member of the NRA.
Nov 10, 2020
Since this thread got resurrected I want to point out that on recent Meateater podcasts Rinella has been much more outspoken about more controversial issues- guns, keeping renewable energy off of public land, and trapping/predator hunting. Meateater brought in big time bear hunter Clay Newcomb who constantly pounds the drum about defending hound hunting and trapping whenever a threat to those pops up.
I think this represents a conscious effort by Meateater to realign more closely with their base in terms of content, or to pull the new hunters they’ve made into the pro-predator hunting, pro-2A side of these issues. Regardless of the reason it seems pretty clear that being owned by Chernin has not turned the company into a liberal shill
Dec 6, 2020
Shenandoah Valley
Love or hate him, we neeed him. He is a hunting voice with a large imprint in the world. Yes he ruined some spots, and he’s selling out, but unless he becomes a spokesperson for Cabelas/BPS, or pushing some BS supplement, im still wth him!


Jul 6, 2018
Love or hate him, we neeed him. He is a hunting voice with a large imprint in the world. Yes he ruined some spots, and he’s selling out, but unless he becomes a spokesperson for Cabelas/BPS, or pushing some BS supplement, im still wth him!
So you will continue to fund this company that in turn takes your money and shells it out to people that want to take away your rights? Which is a fact. Btw we don’t need him. I see it as a compromise that I’m not willing to make because he is in bed with the enemy. I would say we need him if he wasn’t involved with these scum bags. I see it more as he could be considered helpful at the moment but could bring real harm at a later date, which is not worth it. Especially at this crucial juncture that we are at currently. No disrespect to you as I seem to be on the extreme side of this issue and more people seem to be like you. I don’t understand it I guess.
Mar 22, 2021
Steve has put in the work so I don’t blame him for cashing out. I love the show and I think it is good for hunting in general


Mar 14, 2017
why would Rinella have Charles post on 2 times and praise him. The same Charles post who made an anti gun video with the multi millionaire thom shoes owner calling for a ban on firearms? They both help shut down the WY and MT grizzly bear season too. those are just facts.

Rinella's doing it for the money

This is fake news. Rinella didn't have Charles post on. Ben O'Brien did on his podcast, hunting collective. One of his appearances on the show was I believe before MeatEater owned the hunting collective podcast. The second appearance happened before he made that anti gun video and Post hasent been back on since.

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Mar 14, 2017
I can't get over all the "sell out" "cashing in" talk. They are an entertainment company. They have TV shows and digital Radio programs. That all requires sponsors to pay the bills. Having sponsors and endorsing product is how all television shows and radio programs make money. They are free to you because they have paid advertising.

They have yet to make a garbage broduct with their name on it and won't be sold at Walmart anytime soon.

Not sure when being an entrepreneur made some one a sell out. Sounds like left wing entitlement talk to me.

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