Looks like plans are finally set to hunt sika deer in MD this year. My dad and I have been talking about doing this since last hunting season. We originally had plans to hunt Blackwater NWR with a good friend of ours that lived in MD. Unfortunately, he passed away a little over a month ago. Nevertheless, we're still planning to give it a try, but are planning to hunt Assateague NS instead. I expect it's going to be a unique, challenging hunt, but I'm pretty excited for it. We were originally hoping to hunt in late October, but November is the only time that works for both of us. We'll be missing the first three days of WV buck season. Hopefully won't be too late in the season to hear those little guys bugling in the marsh. I have read a couple older threads on here about sika hunting, but if anybody has stories or experiences they would like to share I encourage you to post them here.