Brandon Pattison
Do you guys have it all of the way up at your bottom pin sight-in for maximum yardage maxed out or somewhere in the middle?
My gap was 1.1" from 20 to 80. So my tape will be stuck on for 60 (5 pins). Any idea max range before vane contact? I don't have any software to plug it in. Too bad peep to anchor wasn't more so I could get more range. What are ya'll getting for maximum range?
hey frankie, you ever hunt or do you just constantly F^(% with your bow?
I'm shooting a single pin version and set mine all the way up for the 20 yard mark so that is the base, crank it all the way up and it is at 20, can be done in the dark without looking at it. Set up that way I can go to 100 for the longest with no issues. Shooting a Hoyt Matrix, 70 lb. 28.5 draw length, 295 fps, 390 gr arrow.