Max points in WY, not hunted there since the 90s need advice


Jul 2, 2020
I need to give you a bit of background as to why I am posting. I am an avid elk hunter with 30 years experience. I have not hunted in WY since the late 90s. At that time, I hunted the Shoshone Wilderness area but am not sure as to whether it was unit 67,59,60 or 70. Could figure it out, but not relevant to my question. In 2020, I lost part of the vision in my left eye while elk hunting. Without going into details, I am still elk hunting nearly always with a bow. However, I do not like to go above 8,600 feet in elevation these days. I am not trying to kill the biggest bull in Wyoming any longer. I am looking for a unit, and perhaps outfitter that can provide a great hunt (bow or rifle) at elevations of 9,000 feet and below. I know that is NOT where I use to hunt because back then we camped at 8,500 feet. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks.
Area 7, if you can draw it should meet your needs. I can suggest and outfitter for that area if needed
I was also going to say the black hills of Wyo.
I think max elevation would be maybe 7,000 feet over there.
Talk to Pat Ginder at At-Ease Hunting in Casper. Lower elevation units and knows those limted entry units really well.
Foothills of the Snowies on the right property would meet that too.

With your PPs you should get a share and deal offer on a hunt in non max areas.
Might reach out to Wagonhound and see what they say, others in that area too as mentioned.
Umm. Best answer is to put in with me as a party so we can average our points. It won't be the best unit but would still be good hunting!!!
Foothills of the Snowies on the right property would meet that too.

With your PPs you should get a share and deal offer on a hunt in non max areas.
Might reach out to Wagonhound and see what they say, others in that area too as mentioned.
What is a share and deal offer? I am familiar with Wagonhound, may call them.
What is a share and deal offer? I am familiar with Wagonhound, may call them.
Some outfitters will offer you a discount on a hunt if the amount of points you have, can help them book another client who has less points, by putting you in together in the draw. No different than all the people who point share already, except it benefits the outfitter getting multiple clients. But some outfits dont need the extra help, so all you can do is call and explain what you have and what youre hoping for etc, and see what they are willing to offer to bring the price of your hunt down. If its not a max point unit, usually they will be willing to make you some sort of deal in order to use your points with other clients.
Some outfitters will offer you a discount on a hunt if the amount of points you have, can help them book another client who has less points, by putting you in together in the draw. No different than all the people who point share already, except it benefits the outfitter getting multiple clients. But some outfits dont need the extra help, so all you can do is call and explain what you have and what youre hoping for etc, and see what they are willing to offer to bring the price of your hunt down. If its not a max point unit, usually they will be willing to make you some sort of deal in order to use your points with other clients.
Thanks, I should have figured that out myself. I do recall WY allowing party applications to combine points for an average. Or something similar.
May want to consider some of the moderate terrain "desert" type elk hunts in central Wyo based on your situation/limitations. With max points you've got options, do your research and go guided if you've got the $.

I hunted with Chance last year and to say it was a great experience is an understatement. I hunted in unit 30 outside of Rock Springs and there were giant bulls everywhere. With your points you should have no problem drawing. Great guys to hunt with, comfortable accommodations, good food etc. Good luck!

DM me if youd like to get more details, pictures, etc.
Big private ranches area 7 is a real winner if you have max points and max dollars. No wolves, big bulls. Lots of locked gates.

We scoff at them but if you got the points and money it’s world class elk hunting.