That’s what a hunting illumination should be- barely visible in the lowest light. The reticle does not need illum in daylight, and therefore a daylight bright illumination is wasted- and generally dramatically hurts the lowlight illum.
It’s not getting talked about because it is unneeded on the SHR-Mil reticle in the 1.2. Of the 20-30 people that I personally know using them heavily, I’m not sure a single one has the battery even in it.
As above- it is not a daylight bright illumination- that is totally different technology; and it is should be a pin prick in lowlight. Anything more than barely visible in very lowlight and the illumination blows out the whole image.
At $1200 with the money and effort being spent on making sure the scope actually functions first- it is that hard. Or at least there will be variation, because it is literally the least important aspect of that scope.
Some of yall have extremely unrealistic expectations, or are not well versed in how illumination works with the trade-offs inherent.