Maven vs Vortex vs Zeiss binos

Sep 14, 2023
Chico, CA
Looking for some feedback guys. I own Maven B2 11x45 binos. They are nice, but wanting a smaller size, less weight, and better FOV. Can’t do the B6 because of my IPD (already demo’d those). Anyone out there have experience with new Zeiss Conquest HDX, Zeiss SFL 10x40, Vortex UHD, and/or Maven B1.2 as compared to each other and the Maven B2? Wanting to stay at or around the 10x42 size. Not considering price differences right now, just overall performance and package on each one. Any insight is really appreciated!
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If you’re looking for smaller size and less weight, with the UHD you probably need to look at the 8x32 or 10x32, as the full size 42mm options are quite big and heavy. The optics on both the 32mm and 42mm are very good though.

I have the 8x40 SFL and think they’re amazing. Super compact and light and the view is outstanding. If the price is not a factor, I don’t think you could go wrong with the SFL’s.
If you’re looking for smaller size and less weight, with the UHD you probably need to look at the 8x32 or 10x32, as the full size 42mm options are quite big and heavy. The optics on both the 32mm and 42mm are very good though.

I have the 8x40 SFL and think they’re amazing. Super compact and light and the view is outstanding. If the price is not a factor, I don’t think you could go wrong with the SFL’s.
If you’re looking for smaller size and less weight, with the UHD you probably need to look at the 8x32 or 10x32, as the full size 42mm options are quite big and heavy. The optics on both the 32mm and 42mm are very good though.

I have the 8x40 SFL and think they’re amazing. Super compact and light and the view is outstanding. If the price is not a factor, I don’t think you could go wrong with the SFL’s.
Thanks for the reply.

If you’re looking for smaller size and less weight, with the UHD you probably need to look at the 8x32 or 10x32, as the full size 42mm options are quite big and heavy. The optics on both the 32mm and 42mm are very good though.

I have the 8x40 SFL and think they’re amazing. Super compact and light and the view is outstanding. If the price is not a factor, I don’t think you could go wrong with the SFL’s.
Thanks for the reply. I’m really leaning toward selling my B2s and getting the SFLs. Seems like there are no bad reviews of them and I’m thinking the extra money would be well worth it compared to B1.2 or Conquest HDX.
If you’re looking for smaller size and less weight, with the UHD you probably need to look at the 8x32 or 10x32, as the full size 42mm options are quite big and heavy. The optics on both the 32mm and 42mm are very good though.

I have the 8x40 SFL and think they’re amazing. Super compact and light and the view is outstanding. If the price is not a factor, I don’t think you could go wrong with the SFL’s.
I haven’t had the opportunity to try the 8x40 or 10x40 Zeiss SFL but I do own the SFL 8x30 and I’m extremely impressed?
I can’t imagine the 40 mm objective SFL being anything less than superb?
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Zeiss is about to release a 10x50SFL in the same basic size as the 10x40. They were absolutely the best binos I have looked through. Shortly after they are supposed to add a rangefinder with AB in them too.
If you can swing it the Victory SF's are pretty awesome! My buddy has some HD vortex binos. We were glassing up deer as the sun was setting and it was right in our face. It was hard to glass anything. He couldn't see a thing but I could still do ok with the Zeiss.
Zeiss is about to release a 10x50SFL in the same basic size as the 10x40. They were absolutely the best binos I have looked through. Shortly after they are supposed to add a rangefinder with AB in them too.
*that* could be interesting?
However, and this just my Euro-snobbery coming out-if I’m going to pay 2K$ for a Zeiss optic, I’d prefer it to be made in Germany, though my Japanese made SFL 8x30s are very nice.
Again, just a bias on my part. Not logical in any way. 😃
*that* could be interesting?
However, and this just my Euro-snobbery coming out-if I’m going to pay 2K$ for a Zeiss optic, I’d prefer it to be made in Germany, though my Japanese made SFL 8x30s are very nice.
Again, just a bias on my part. Not logical in any way. 😃
Interestingly enough, that is "exactly" what one of the Zeiss guys said to me. He said some people are gonna see Japan and not Germany and its going to bother them. My response to him was that it may bother them up until the moment they look through these damn binos and see how good they are. I do understand your point though abt euro glass. I have their german made victory RF binos and I can promise you that the new ones completely blow them out of the water.