Maven RS1.2 back in stock

I got a notification. Got mine ordered (Mil). Maybe your notification went to spam? If not, that stinks if you signed up and weren't notified.
I got a notification. Got mine ordered (Mil). Maybe your notification went to spam? If not, that stinks if you signed up and weren't notified.

Was it the black or black & grey version? The notifications are specific to each color & mil/moa.

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FWIW, I got the Maven and Guidefitter notifications. I was able to grab the MIL before they sold out. What is gonna be interesting to me is if there is any "gap" in the production quality of these from the one @Formidilosus reviewed. I guess time will tell (and some personal use). This was a buy "sight unseen" and I have only used SFP MOA to this point, going to FFP MIL may drive me insane, I'll know soon enough :)
@philcox the MIL version of this scope is fantastic. I have an initial/early run that I put through an abbreviated version of Forms drop test and it has done well for me. I will do the same with this new version and see how it compares.
@philcox the MIL version of this scope is fantastic. I have an initial/early run that I put through an abbreviated version of Forms drop test and it has done well for me. I will do the same with this new version and see how it compares.
Good to hear. I will post back here once I get it and do my testing.
Were the bundles available or just the scopes themselves? I signed up for both colors in the bundle and didn’t get any notification.
I guess their “notify me when available” feature is just there for looks. Along with their “contact us” button. I emailed them a couple weeks ago and crickets
Maybe just your luck, I got the email about 4:00ish pm and they were “in-stock” for a good while per my checking. 🤷‍♂️