Thanks. There is one up on that bird site but it's scrap. The guy seems to have an agenda.
Welcome Steve!
And I am Sure your review was not the one that was referred to as "scrap" over on BF. Those of us that go on BF know very well ( unfortunately) the poster that did the review that is probably the one referred to as scrap. Because you did a very good job with your review.
I loved your review Steve and I am looking forward to Frank's review of the B3. I do not know Frank but from what I have read he will actually be impartial to the process and really review it for his readers. Everyone seems real sensitive about a brand being sold directly to consumers that reaches a very high quality without having the name recognition. I do realize that part of what you pay for when you buy any top brand, they earned their reputation. I am looking to upgrade my binoculars this year and because I want to stay within a certain budget, I am hoping to get the most value for my $. Maven seems like a great value for me.
One big thing from that review was accessories (fancy case) and not realizing that the case also has an overall cost. As a hunter (seems to be M
I'll work on Frank to get him over here. We are both getting really tired of the moderators on BF letting the troll rant.
The Maven B2 (can't speak for the B1 or B3 yet) has sort of changed the game at the $1k binocular level. I'd rather have the heavy drawstring pouch with the Maven. I usually prefer most of the value to go to the binocular and the warranty. Everything does cost.
Maven is getting the binocular from Kamakura. The interior is from them, all the exterior, armor, eye cups, focus knobs, final selection of the housing was settled on by Maven. Kamakura is a big deal in the optics world. They can make any optic at any level. They are likely as proud of their heritage, history, and ability as Swarovski, Zeiss or Leica is of theirs. Maven had the good sense to go t Kamakura and tell them they wanted good optics and didn't try to micromanage the engineers.
Matt, in the CA test, I was curious about why right image looks more magnified or closer than the left image?