Maven B series Binos

Nov 28, 2019
Was hoping someone around central MO who owns a set of B series mavens would mind meeting up sometime to allow me to look through them. Quite interested in the b.2 11x or the b.6 12x. The 12 is my preferred choice but the eye width might be a bit wide for me, so I was hoping to test a pair. I know about the demo program just thought I try this first. Thanks for looking
I don’t live near you, but did demo both of those side by side. I preferred the b6 binos, but my IPD was too small for them 🫤. The b2 binos are great, but they are big and heavy. Also, I now see why FOV is important and prefer a bigger FOV than my 11x45 B2s. I’ll likely be selling mine in the future to get something different.