Mathews Heli-m

Hey Rebecca, I've shot it a bit, but not enough. Will have a good review of it come next week. It is light, smooth, and quick. Definitely my fav bow to this point, and I have shot every Mathews made.....
picked up a heli-m this year as well. I agree, by far the best mathews i have shot. Can't wait to get in the woods
Just checked with Helim will be here this coming Friday....can't wait. Hey Les, how about posting up a few photos of your new Helim setup?
Will do tomorrow David. bg, not a lot of difference IMO. The biggest is the 1/2# weight savings. It is extremely smooth and quiet. It is a really sweet set-up. I threw another QAD HDX on mine and did some tuning yesterday. Being that the speed is almost identical I tuned the rest to match the sight. I now have two bows identiallcy set-up and shooting. If something happened to the Heli-m, I could swap the sight to the Z7, and be good to go immediately.

At 71# my Z7 is at 278.2 fps and at 70# my Heli-m is 275.8 fps. I shoot 100 grain tipped FMJ 400's. Bow is 27.5" draw slinging 430 grain arrows. Super nice to shoot. No shock, quiet. Turkeys beware.

A few more. Also one with the Heads Up Decoy on the bow mount. 9 days until WI turkey....but who's counting....:)
Dave, you will like it. They redid the draw stop it has a tight wall....great but don't creep at all. The more I shoot this bad girl the more I like it. Got a few hundred arrows through and it is just plain NICE!
I have had the heli-m for for a month. I upgraded from an orgional Switchback and it was worth the wait. I will give Evan props he did a great job setting it up. I hope that does not go to his head. I cannot wait to get it in the woods and try it out. Headed up for turkeys this weekend.
He guys be sure when you get your Heli-ms to get the new stop. The one they ship on it from the factory is identical to the outbacks stop. They have a late release one that is smaller and more solid to that you don't have as much to worry about relaxing and having it run on you.

Best bow that Mathews has built in YEARS!!!! smooth, has good balance, good speed, LIGHT!

Backpackers dream Mathews.
Hmmmm....I think I need to check these out. Where's a good place in CO that have good deals on these?

where in CO are you. not that it matters in my opinion archery hut is the only place to go. if you are from outside of Colorado Springs know that it will take all day on a saturday they are just that busy. if you can take a day off work it would be worth it. just my $0.02 for what it is worth
Evan Williams works in the pro shop at the Archery hut, he is not too bad to deal with. Just kidding Evan knows his poop as well as Bill the owner and Kirt.