marmot helium or kifaru slick

If the bag temp rating doesn't seem true, why would you recommend it? If I buy a 0 degree bag for the price they want for the slick bag, I want it to be a 0 degree bag and not a 32 degree bag. I'm looking for a synthetic bag and had my eye on the slick, but after reading some of these posts I'm thinking I may need to look further.

Not sure if this makes a difference, but we redesigned the Slik for 2014 and the new model is warmer.

Other than that, ask away with questions.... I'll shoot you straight on everything with the bag.
Is that to say you felt the earlier models may not have been true to their temp specifications? I'm 6'2 195ish and was looking for a decent synthetic bag as I just don't want to deal with down for many reasons. The slick bags caught my eye as they were pretty light for a synthetic bag but temp ratings are something I think manufacturers should stick by.

What makes the new bags "warmer" vs. the old? Do the new have a full length zipper or half like the old? Any cons to the half zipper? The bag I have now is full length but to be honest, in the field it's never zipped down past half way for the most part.
I'm kind of curious about that my 1 year old 20 slik bag and 2 yr old slik bag are not as warm as a 2014 0 and 20 slik bag?
I would say that it wasn't true for me, but I've always said they were about 10-15ish off if you're a cold sleeper. Temp ratings are EXTREMELY subjective, and many have said that the Slik bag is true to rating, but I'm giving you my honest opinion of the bag and it's off for me. So for some it's true to rating, but others, it is not.

The biggest reason for the demand of the Slik is the durability and weight. So even if our 0 degree bag is a 15 for others, I challenge you to find a true 15 degree synthetic bag that weighs the same. Add the durability that the S bag offers and it's a pretty hard option to pass up.

What makes the new bag warmer? The baffling, general cut and hood are all different, but the new model has a center zipper too. The 3 zipper, center zip allows for multiple options (reading, shooting, pissing and so on). You also won't need to worry about what side the door of your tent is on either.

Hopefully that answers your questions, but if not, feel free to call/email me at anytime to discuss further. (720-937-1418 or [email protected])

Is that to say you felt the earlier models may not have been true to their temp specifications? I'm 6'2 195ish and was looking for a decent synthetic bag as I just don't want to deal with down for many reasons. The slick bags caught my eye as they were pretty light for a synthetic bag but temp ratings are something I think manufacturers should stick by.

What makes the new bags "warmer" vs. the old? Do the new have a full length zipper or half like the old? Any cons to the half zipper? The bag I have now is full length but to be honest, in the field it's never zipped down past half way for the most part.
I am 6', 200lbs, 44" chest, 34" waist, and the standard Slick bag is pretty much unusable for me. The first bag I got was wide, and it had plenty of room. I picked up a standard width bag used, and when I received it, I was shocked at how narrow it was. I bought the first bag wide simply for comfort, but I wouldn't have thought it was necessary. The standard width is pretty much unusable for me, and I'm pretty sure that's why the first owner let it go after only using it over one weekend. I like the Slick bags just fine, but you need to seriously consider the Wide if you aren't a European supermodel.

I feel like the temps are a little cool, but I always carry my Woobie so I'll jus pull it over the top of I need to. I've not gone so far as to bother to line the bag with it.
What kind of return policy does Kifaru have? As stated above, if the bag doesn't hold up on it's end, it's getting returned. REI is great about this and is one of the only reasons I like shopping there.
If the bag temp rating doesn't seem true, why would you recommend it? If I buy a 0 degree bag for the price they want for the slick bag, I want it to be a 0 degree bag and not a 32 degree bag. I'm looking for a synthetic bag and had my eye on the slick, but after reading some of these posts I'm thinking I may need to look further.

I believe Kifaru redesigned the slick bag for 2014. Sounds like the posters in this thread have the old model slick bag. I've had good luck with two Marmot bags, but I'm waiting to see the new K bag before I pull the trigger on a new 0 degree bag for late fall trips.


Hey Coveyleader, this is Raven.....:)

Give me a call and I can go into more detail about the old and new bags.


If I don't hear from you, I'll try and answer in more depth about bags at a later date.

What kind of return policy does Kifaru have? As stated above, if the bag doesn't hold up on it's end, it's getting returned. REI is great about this and is one of the only reasons I like shopping there.
I believe Kifaru redesigned the slick bag for 2014. Sounds like the posters in this thread have the old model slick bag. I've had good luck with two Marmot bags, but I'm waiting to see the new K bag before I pull the trigger on a new 0 degree bag for late fall trips.



Whoops, looks like this was already covered. Sorry for the redundancy folks. :)