Marathon Training w/ Mountain Training


Aug 26, 2023
Colorado Front Range
I was actually getting ready to post a training log thread for myself and others if they wanted to give it a go when I saw your thread.

I'm prepping for a 50k (Race is on 6/2 in Divide, CO) and am a former competitive crossfitter and weightlifter (olympic lifts). 46years old (end of month) and lifelong athlete. Have had a good strength to weight ratio for as long as I can remember and can be as stubborn as a mule.

Strength training using general crossfit methodology Monday through Friday from 0600 to 0630/0645.

Monday: coach kids BJJ 1630-1730.
Tuesday: short run (3-6 mi) 1130-1230, BJJ 1730-1900.
Wednesday: 3-6 mi ruck with 45# pack or tactical entry training 1730-1930 [once a month].
Thursday: 4-7 mile run 1130-1230, BJJ 1730-1900
Friday: range time (indoor w/ secondary normally), a ruck, a walk, a run , or an mtb ride.
Saturday: 12+ mile run (13.7 mi yesterday as an example)
Sunday: 8+ mile run (10.1 mi today as an example)

Picture of my little white board from training this past week in the morning.
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Dec 21, 2021
The answer is yes it is absolutely possible. I've ran multiple road marathons, a couple ultras, and this year switching over heavily to mountain ultras (100k next month, 50 miler in June, building up to 100 miler at the end of July). Last week I logged 87 miles with 11k vert, and 43 of those miles came on Saturday/Sunday long runs. Also had a few hours of cycling in there.

In addition to the running I'm doing Mountain Tactical's backcountry hunt packet (minus any of their running workouts) which consists of rucking, weighted step ups, and some sandbag work for now. Any sort of hill running/workouts builds leg strength, and they complement each other.

All of that is to say - you have to make time and find out what works for your schedule. I enjoy running early in the morning, and doing strength in the evenings. I've found that there are a lot of people who say it's not possible, or to do the bare minimum, etc. and that's just BS. You likely won't be jacked if want to be in ideal running shape and minimize mass to reduce force/impact, but you can definitely be strong.