I'd prefer shooting the cats, but have no problem with putting dogs down either. The cats eventually always got taken by coyotes, so never had to put them down. My dad used to sit out with the hogs and talk to them and rub behind their ears while they ate the corn he just brought them. But come springtime, he never had a problem putting the rifle to their foreheads and then butchering them up.If you'd rather shoot your own dog than pay $200 for a vet to come put a needle in him, please stick to cats.
We did have an older woman here that lived out in the country that shot her dog and buried it on her property when it could barely walk anymore. Her neighbor turned her in and she was arrested for animal abuse as was stated before. Ridiculous.
Whether it's the vet with a shot, or you taking the shot.....it's all euthanasia.
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