Magview vs ollin

I have the Magview and have used my uncles new Ollin. I agree the Ollin wins in the quick indexing and the Magview wins for simplicity on your daily phone. If you digiscope often but want your phone to be as sleek as possible I would go with the Magview. If you tend to digiscope mostly on targeted outdoor trips and want it to line up crazy easy then I would go with the Ollin and only use that case for your planned trips.

With the Magview I bought some extra I am set for my next several phones for cheap ;)
seems like these two points of differentiation are what everyone's arriving at.

Looks like an opportunity for a MagOllin company lol (hurry and buy the domain, someone!)

thanks for your feed back
They each have one thing that stands out as the primary downside….

Magview is difficult to align. Can you get good at it? Yes, but it is far from fool proof.

Ollin needs a separate case. It really isn't as big as I thought and I have left it on my phone and it isn't too cumbersome. It is dummy proof with no learning curve. That said, unless I am going to the range frequently or on a hunt, I take it off.

I bought the magview first last year and didn't like it so I sold it and got an Ollin and I have no regrets.
I have used both Ollin and MagView. I went with the magview only for a season since Ollin didn't have an adapter that fit the spotter I was currently running. But later upgraded to a bigger spotter that Ollin did have an adapter for. Here is my quick assessment on both.


Pros: Phone plate makes for ease of use when trying to slide your phone in and out of your pocket, which with other brands can be difficult since some have bulky cases that get caught in your pocket. Extra plates are rather inexpensive and can be reattached as well to other cases by reapplying with glue, which makes it easier when switching to a different model phone. The magnet cover of the spotter attachment does make it easy to close quietly when you are close to the animal you're hunting.

Cons: It can be finicky to line up the camera once you attach it to the spotter adapter. After a while, you do get the hang of aligning it quickly, but it can be a pain when you're trying to get video as an animal is walking back into cover.


Pros: The simplicity of the case aligning itself onto the spotter does make for a smoother and quicker digiscoping session. This is very helpful when you are trying to catch a quick video before the animal disappears back into the cover.

Cons: You do have to buy another phone case if you do decide to switch phones. When it comes to reattaching the ollin spotter cover, it can click fairly loud if you aren't careful. This can be a problem if you are within a close distance to the animal.

Both do have their highlights and depending on your end goal can be great. I choose to go with the ollin since I preferred the quickness and smoothness of their system. During my hunts, I found that most of my video are mule deer quickly disappearing in and out of cover. This only leads to short moments where I might have an opportunity to quickly get a few seconds of video and I’d rather not spend those seconds trying to fumble my phone into proper alignment.