Magnus broadheads

I tried the StaySharp jig setup because for some reason I cannot use the Lansky setup and don't have the steadiness needed for sharpening without a jig. The StaySharp got them shaving sharp in a few quick steps.
Just hear people say it has a wobble to it and it doesn't get the blade just the tip of the blade. How true it is I dunno.
No wobble for mine. there are instructions on how to get the main blade and the tip. If you don't get things setup correctly then you will ruin it. I practiced on several junk blades (damaged from going through deer and into the ground) and still ruined a new blade. All systems have a learning curve and after ruining blades with the Lansky system (due to my own ineptitudes :LOL: ) I decided to give this a go and so far so good.
V shaped Chock sticks are the easiest/cheapest.

Next would be one of the small fine flat diamond stones....just concentrate on keeping the angle and go slow...these work fast.

Best; The Edge Pro...which is the best knife sharpening system I've found......and I have Gatco/Lansky...the edge pro kills it.
Use a sharpie on your blade edge, it will let you see where you are actually sharpening. Spend some time on it and you can learn, it's not difficult.

I do like the stay sharp holders tho, they just take a while.
Well I'm between the lansky, kme or stay sharp. Leaning towards the lansky so i can also try to sharpen my knives. Just hope its idiot friendly. Lol
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Thinking about picking up a Lansky, Should I go with the 3 stone or 5 stone?
I use a 5 stone but not for my broadheads. If my buzzcuts or hornets are so damged that I would need all five (resetting a bevel or similar) then I just replace the blade. I do use all 5 on my knives however. That said, go with the 5. Its nice to have the other stones.
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I got the Magnus Black Hornet and use the Stay Sharp tool. It's simple, easy, and gets a heckuva edge on the head. Anyone else have issue with the broadhead making a rattle noise? I keep my arrows on my quiver when I shoot and even though the broadhead seems "tight" it rattles from the shock of the bow shooting. I got the Black Hornet with the bleeder blades and I think it is something about those bleeders that is causing the rattle. I have tried and tried and 3 out of the 6 i have do this no matter how much tightening or messing the head I do. I am about to move on to something different. It makes the bow super loud. Take the arrows off the VXR is dead quiet.