You don't say where you plan to hunt and that does make a difference. With a 6x fixed you should have no problem with big game (deer or larger) out to 400, but 6x is not ideal if close shots (50 yds) are likely. I hunt mtns in the east where close shots are likely but I also want 400 yd capability. That makes a 2-10 or 3-9 about perfect. Someone said 2-7 but I don't know if anyone makes them anymore. If so, not a bad choice at all. At 400yds with a 14x the field of view is much smaller than I would want and makes a follow-up much more difficult. No point in going there. I would not go with a fixed 6x for a couple of reasons. One is that you might want to put the scope on a different rifle at some point and a 2-10 or 3-9 is much more flexible. Also, I like using the higher magnifications when sighting, or if a smaller animal opportunity presents such as coyote at 400.